When my husband and I visited Rocky Mountain National Park for the first time last September, I was in awe of the beauty that surrounded us at every turn. One of our first stops in the park was Bear Lake, where we walked the nature trail. I decided to share that trails photos with you, along with some inspiring quotes for the new year...remember that each photo will enlarge if clicked on once and then again...
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. May your rivers flow without end, meandering through pastoral valleys tinkling with bells..." ~ Edward Abbey
Bear Lake
"To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter; to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring - these are some of the rewards of the simple life." ~ John Burroughs
Hallett Peak
"Your success and happiness lie within you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties." ~ Helen Keller
Longs Peak
"I remember a hundred lovely lakes and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns, and saffron sunsets. It has given me blessed relief from care and worry and the troubled thinking of our modern day. It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful. Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and benumbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy." ~ Hamlin Garland
"I have the opportunity, once more to right some wrongs, to pray for peace, to plant some trees, and sing more joyful songs." ~ William Arthur Ward
At 9,475 foot elevation, Bear Lake Trail is a popular and easily traversed trail which loops around Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. All of the photos above were taken along the 0.8-mile trail. My husband and I were fortunate that the trail was relatively empty the day we visited the park, and we were able to enjoy the serenity of its views.
After living in New York City all of my life up until last year, in particular, the borough of Brooklyn, which has 2.5 million people within its borders, I find the beauty and seasonal rhythm of these abundant natural areas of Colorado to be very peaceful and uplifting. As much as I loved the energy of the city and all the cultural opportunities it afforded me, I find the natural beauty of the west even more alluring.
I hope to show you more about my new state of Colorado in the coming year, and I look forward to this new year full of many more adventures and discoveries!
What are you looking forward to in the new year? Wishing you good health and happiness in the year ahead!

A lovely area for a walk. I like Jon Burroughs' quote and it seems to fit your sentiments on why you enjoy Colorado. I love NY to visit but I prefer the quiet life of the leafy suburbs of Logan/Brisbane. I wish for Bill and I to remain in good health and be able to travel more in 2014 and see my grandsons again.
Pat, your photos are stunning (as usual). John Burrow's advice for a simple life is something we all should heed. Nature is a powerful teacher. Happy New Year!
The photos are awesome and Happy New Year
I'll say one thing your trails are a lot better that what we call footpaths here. Awesome scenery
Pretty trail for a hike, the mountains and lake are beautiful, Pat! Lovely photos! Have a happy day!
Post card perfect pictures Pat-just beautiful! Wishing you all the best in 2014-enjoy:@)
Bear Lake is soo beautiful!
I am looking forward to being able to get around again, to drive, to climb stairs, etc. AND I look forward to losing the excess baggage I have been toting around!
Can't wait to see more of Colorado with you. This is just gorgeous. Mr. Magpie's first cousins live in Aspen and love it. My sister worked in Estes Park one summer. I probably told you that before.
Happy New Year, Pat! You make me want to move to Colorado! WE have discussed leaving MN for the winter. We always consider someplace - warm. But I look at the photos and think - that's warm - and beautiful. Wishing you all good things in 2014.
Happy New Year Pat and family! I enjoyed seeing your Christmas photos and these ones today. This trail looks like an easy one to walk and it sure has a lot of beautiful vistas. All the best for 2014! I'll look forward to seeing more of your new state. Pamela
The quotes are wonderful and inspiring, as are your photos (as always). When you enlarge them they are even more breath taking. I hope this is a great year for you as you are even more settled in your new home and life. And you sound very content away from the city! Happy New Year! I've enjoyed your blog this year!
Gorgeous…. I'm looking forward to many more of your beautiful photos.. We love Colorado --and need to come back and explore more of it!!!
Like you, I love being out in nature when there aren't too many other people around. Makes me feel as if it's there JUST for me/us….
Thanks for sharing the beauty. Happy 2014.
You have the most beautiful photos! I love Colorado and want to go back some day. There's just so many places to go and so little time! Happy 2014!!
The photos are gorgeous and the quotes are inspiring. Pat, I've been meaning to write on your other posts, but the holidays took all my spare time. I was incredibly amazed by all the cooking you did - and I thought I was busy in the kitchen. You had enough for 50 people, I think. Vinny must have been in heaven.
Bonjour Pat
C'est avec un immense plaisir et beaucoup de bonheur que je vous suis au travers de ce blog merveilleux!!!
j'aime ces paysages grandioses, les états-unis est a mes yeux le plus beaux pays du monde, j'ai eu l'occasion d'y venir en vacances et je suis heureuse lorsque je repense aux bons moments passés là-bas.
Merci Pat pour ces belles photos.
Bonne et Heureuses Année!!!!!
What a beautiful place! Stopping in to wish you a Happy New Year!
What a beautiful post. The photos are stunning and the quotes express much of what I find in Nature - relief from the city, peace, and beauty that cannot be matched elsewhere.
Happy New Year!
Pat, to say your photos are stunning almost seems an understatement. The beauty of this area leaves me speechless.
Stunning set of photos! Happy new year!
Such amazing scenery for sure, Pat. Love all the photos.
I think that you do just as an amazing job singing Colorado as you did NYC. I look forward to seeing all that you will show us!
Pat, You've given us breathtaking images of Nature to start 2014! It's cold here in Breckenridge. We got about a foot of snow in the past couple days.
Your Bear Lake photos are fabulous. I *love* that second picture above, and the Helen Keller quote, too.
I look forward to my THIRD grandchild's arrival in June. Plus time with the two I already have (I just booked a visit with them them for February and am so excited as I haven't seen them since October!).
May your blessings continue in 2014!
Your quotes are as wonderful as your photos!
Pretty views. Reminds me of Utah.
It is very nice to see you happy in your new home.
Happy new year Pat.
Absolutely stunning photos, Pat! And, inspiring quotes. wishing you all the very, very best 2014 has to offer! blessings ~ tanna
ps thanks for the words of encouragement about the sale of the house... it is very mixed emotions for me. =)
What a nice way to start the new year with your lovely photos and quotes. Wishing you all the best in 2014.
What stunning scenery. Happy New Year to you and yours, Pat.
The landcape is so beaitiful Pat and I love the bear lake! Hope you had a great start to the new year :) warm hugs your way and wish you a very happy new year.
Hello Pat, thank you very much for your visit and for your lovely words !!
You have to know that my story is quite similar to yours, I also have left the city, a big city like Genoa, where generations of my relatives have born (not as big as New York, anyway!) for the Ligurian hinterland, since I got married I live in the countryside and I love these places so much, even if sometimes I enjoy having a tour among my old Genoese little streets!
You live in fabulous places that have won me when I first saw them on TV in the series 'Dr.Quinn, Medicine Woman' and since then I hope to have the chance one day to see them, but for now I enjoy their beauty through these charming photographs of yours .. I love the quotes you've chosen and I want you to know that I think your blog to be just wonderful !
I wish you all the best for this New Year ♥
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