This is the view from the front of the hotel on West Street, looking towards the new One World Trade Center tower.
The inside lobby and reception area of the Ritz Carton Hotel, Battery Park.
Our room was obviously a business class and not one of the luxury suites, but it was very comfortable. The views we had were of West Street, as you can see by the photos at the bottom of the photo collage. If I craned my neck I could get a slight glimpse of One World Trade Center which was north, but mainly I could see the co-ops and condos across the street, and the traffic coming out of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. I liked the large bathroom with separate tub and walk-in shower in our room, and also the very large walk-in closet that lit up automatically when the doors were opened. If you knew how much I spent for my breakfast of Eggs Benedict at the hotel you would be astounded -- I know I was! *Smile* It was very good, but I thought the hash brown "patty" was pretty skimpy.
The elegant main lobby inside the museum.
This Youtube video will give you an overview of the museum and show some of it's past and present exhibitions. Direct link to this video on Youtube is on this link
One of the ongoing exhibits we enjoyed was called "Gilded New York." You can read the definition of the gilded age in New York City in the museum's exhibit below.
Click to enlarge the above photo, and all photos in this post, for easier viewing.
The exhibition presents a lavish display of jewelry, portraits, dresses, decorative items and other objects that are from the era between the mid-1870s and the early 20th century
You can click on the photo collage to enlarge it and you can see close up photos of many of the objects in the exhibit in the image gallery on the museum's web site.
Another ongoing exhibit is the Marine Paintings, which chronicle an important part of New York City's rich maritime history. This painting by Edward Moran is entitled: "Unveiling the Statue of Liberty."
The museum did not allow photographs of the exhibit about Norman Bel Geddes, who has been called the "Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th Century". Bel Geddes was a leader in the '20s and '30s in industrial and theater design, and there was a fascinating collection of his original works on display of his dynamic vision of the American future. This interesting exhibit runs until February 10, 2014.
The next exhibit we visited is called Rising Waters: Photographs of Sandy, and runs until March 31, 2014.
The exhibit is being presented to mark the one year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. The museum made an open call for photographic images from the storm, and over 1,000 photographers, both professional and amateur, responded with the submission of tens of thousands of photos.
This map in the exhibit shows, with the color blue, how the five boroughs of the City of New York, and some of the surrounding areas of New Jersey, that were impacted by water surge of Hurricane Sandy. Dark blue areas were inundated with as high as almost 19 feet of flooding. 17% of the city's landmass was flooded, with an estimated 33 billion dollars of damage done to New York City.
Click to enlarge to read this epic storm and the impact it had on the city.
The juried exhibition of photographs features the before and after the impact of the storm on the New York Region, including preparations, the hurricanes destructive effects, and the ongoing rebuilding efforts. To see close-ups of many of the photos from the exhibit you can click here to view them on Time Magazine's lightbox feature.
Photo of a portion of the temporary debris dump placed in Riis Park, of all the destroyed possessions of those affected by the hurricane. Citywide, there was 700,000 tons of debris.
I lived through Hurricane Sandy last year, and it was an event I will never forget. We were very fortunate that our house did not flood, although houses two blocks away from us in both directions had up to seven feet of water pour down into their basements during the storm's surge. I will never forget the screams I heard reverberate through my neighborhood at that moment. I saw panicked people running down my street screaming: "The water is coming!" and afterward the many sirens from emergency vehicles. For the second time in his career, my husband was displaced from his workplace-the first was on 9-11, when 7 World Trade Center collapsed. That was the building where his office was located. After Hurricane Sandy, his office building on Water Street in Manhattan had been extremely flooded with the water filling sub-basements and up to half the lobby with water from the East River. It took many months before they were able to work in that building again.
My husband and I were also in the process of trying to sell our home at the time of the hurricane, and the sale basically came to a standstill for a few months afterward. We felt very fortunate to have survived this storm unscathed, however, and tried our best to volunteer to help in local areas that were not so lucky. Rebuilding goes on till this day, and there are many areas of the coastline that will never be the same.
I'm glad the museum has documented this storm for their archives for future generations to see and learn from. They even have a phone number set up where you can leave a short message about your experience during the storm for their archives. See the bottom of the exhibit page for that number
I would definitely not hesitate to return to the Museum of the city of New York on a future visit, and hopefully have a chance to see the section of Central Park that is located across the street from the front of the museum on a fairer weather day. I hope you will consider a visit too!
My husband and I flew back to Colorado the next morning and it felt so good to be home. When I now look at the foothills of the front range I am so happy. Life is certainly different on this side of the country, but I really feel like I belong here now, and it's a wonderful new adventure full of many things I want to explore and experience in the west. It's certainly nice to feel at home in two such beautiful states!

Wow!! So in-depth! Thank you for sharing your amazing photographs! I hope you enjoy Colorado, we visit Durango and Pagosa Springs often...hope to be writing soon. Thanks for visiting me on the Marvelous Mâison!!❤❤❤
Your photos, and your historical info, is just stunning!!! You are an incredible writer!
xo Kris
That is one interesting museum. It must have been nice to catch up with friends from your old stamping ground.
Another interesting post. Thanks for the warning on using pictures on our blogs. We are all guilty of a little "googling".
Looks like you had a good trip Pat. It's always nice to go, and nicer to come home:@)
Pat, looks like a fun trip to NYC. The hotel is beautiful and I love the view of the new tower. I especially love your view at home of the mountains. Wonderful post, thanks for sharing. Have a happy weekend!
How wonderful to feel at home in both places. It's so fun to stay at a nice hotel sometimes, isn't it? I've been to that museum a couple of times, but not in about five years. I've been staying in the city since Wed., helping my daughter post-op, and she lives about 10 blocks south of it. Maybe I'll get a chance to pop in before I leave. I'd love to see those temporary exhibits.
Hi Pat, What an amazing journey you've had since 9/11! Then "Sandy"......We know a little about storms living near the gulf coast. I would love to visit the museum of the city and see the exhibit. I'm sure it must have been amazing to see the photography of the storm after living through it! Your trip to NYC sounds lovely and I think the first photo is beautiful. I love the street shot with the trees and rain. Your new home state is so beautiful, and different. After photographing the city now you are enjoying mother nature. Pat, I enjoyed reading this post so much. Well written!
good that you have so much possibilities to travel with your husband and especially to NY!
It looks like you had a great trip to NYC. I really enjoyed your photos, especially the ones at the museum. It's so nice to visit some place different from home, but always nice to be back home. Thanks for sharing your trip.
Wonderful photos and hope you had a lovely time in NYC and at The Ritz ~ beautiful hotel ~ thanks for visiting ~
carol, xxx -
You really document your visits so well Pat. Great rainy photos!
Your street scene in the rain deserves an award. Interesting article on Blogher. I try to do the right thing, but take my chances sometimes...rather like waiting ten minutes for the light to turn green at an empty intersection. I sure am sorry that it happened to her and if it happens to a lot of us, I'm sure that blogging will go up in smoke along with many, many other sites.
Another great, informative post. I would love a visit to that museum and your photo of the rain and the World Trade Center is beautiful.
Pat, I enjoyed this post seeing and reading more about your trip. Your eggs benedict looks great but I can image the price. It is time consuming to make at home but I suspect hotels use prepared sauces.
I appreciate you sharing the article link about photographs from Blog Her. That is scary!
Thanks for sharing the museum pics. You also do such a great job of writing.
I did not know you were affected by Hurricane Sandy. I can only image the trauma you went through. Our little town was greatly affected seven years ago by a tornado that killed six students, destroyed our high school and an elementary school and many homes and businesses. Even though our home was not damaged I do understand the trauma and stress related to catastrophes.
Pat, It looks as though you had a fun-filled (though damp) stay in Manhattan. The photo down the rain-slick street of One World Trade is wonderful. I know it must have been great to catch up with old friends, but I'm also glad you were happy to return home to CO.
Beautiful post, Pat. You truly have lived in two definitely different parts of the country. I have never lived in a big city --and even though I love to visit, I'm not sure I would ever want to live in such a crowded area… I'm too much of a mountain/country gal…. ha
Great photos. I've always heard of the Ritz Carlton --and can only imagine the prices IF you had to pay for your room. I'm sure breakfast was expensive enough!!!
The museum looks so interesting --and it's great that they have photos and memories from Sandy there already. That one was HORRIBLE--like others which have hit different areas of the country.
Have a great weekend and week.
You do seem to have the best of both worlds!
It was fun to visit NYC with you again...that museum will now be on my "to do" list!
How nice that you had a chance to return to your NYC...but that it felt so good to come back to your new home when you were done. Once again, you have given us such a nice snapshot of your time in the city...and so much information.
Beautiful pictures dear Pat and I loved the museum! Glad you enjoyed your time in New York :)
Sounds and looks like you had a great trip back home. What a great museum. As much as I love to travel, it's always nice to be back home.
I've been waiting for having the time that your posts deserve and .. Now that I've just finished this reading, well, i have to admit that i felt as taken by hand and had done this tour by your side in these so stunning places !
Your words and your photographs are really captivating, involving Pat, it's really a great pleasure to come and visit you !!
Needless to say that I was so much fascinated by the exibition at the Museum of the City of New York, you've really got to jump back in time, lucky you !
And lucky you for feeling at home in two wonderful places, so different but so charming in their way :)
I wish you a new week filled with lovely things, my dear friend, thank you for sharing witjh us all this <3
An amazing post! Thank you! I've always been fascinated by the "Gilded Age." I would very much like to visit the museum. Have a grand week!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting your old home. Hope you have a great week:)
Thank you for sharing your visit. Unfortunately I missed this museum when I was in NYC, but 12 days just fly away soooo fast and there's so much to do and see there!
That is a very tall tower. Beautiful artifacts in the museum
A grand museum you have in NYC, such stunning photos. What a great link for info on using photos from google. I suppose we must be so careful. Pinterest really concerns me because thats the whole point--guess we will see in a few years what happens to that site.
Hi Pat,
You know you're settled into your new home when you're happy to return after a trip to your former home.
I'm so glad that both 911 and Sandy did not dramatically touch you and yours.
Happy Blue Monday!
Interesting post.
Wonderful photos in NYC. I enjoyed my trip there last Spring but like you, I love to be back home ;-)
Nice vacation recap. thanks for visiting my blog! :)
What a fabulous series of shots.
Hi Pat
You do know I'm lapping up ALL things New York at the moment? As daughter No 2 has just arrived and apart from a skype tour of her wonderful NYU apartment and a text saying she needed a better coat we've not heard a dicky bird from her!!!
I loved your post and have taken notes for our upcoming visit and I've bookmarked your post to read off line at any time.
Thank you so much!
Wren x
What a great post! I am forwarding the link to my daughter, who just began working for the Museum of the City of New York! She will be excited to know that you enjoyed your visit! We were just down in NYC to see Vermeer's 'Girl With the Pearl Earring' ... the girls saw the girl and the guys saw the exhibits at the M of the CNY ... nice to see others enjoying it also!
What a wonderful article-it's the next best thing to being there. My, but that Gilded Age Exhibit must have been grand to see! And I think your hotel room was pretty spiffy. I so enjoy your site. There is always so much wonderful information here.
It looks like you had a wonderful visit to NYC, Pat. Thanks for the tour of the Museum of New York. I read the article on BlogHer and thank you for sharing it. I don't post other's photos, only my own, thank goodness! Pamela
Hi Pat, I enjoyed this post. You have provided quite an education for me, and it's been so much fun! :)
Thanks for the link to the post about copyright infringement. It's caused me to remove some things from my blog, even things like pictures I got from emails, and Maxine cartoons. Better safe than sorry. Now I need to clean up my FB account. It almost seems that I shouldn't "share" anything on FB as that could be copyright infringement. :( Better safe than sorry though!
Nice NY shots - you got a better photo of the WTC than me because it was in fog last time I was there. I'll take the Colorado weather any time!
Skyscraper Modern buildings!!! the interior and exterior views of the museum looking beautiful...
thanks for sharing your experience..
Skyscraper Modern buildings!!! the interior and exterior views of the museum looking beautiful...
thanks for sharing your experience..
wow , what a beautiful reportage !
thanks for sharing with us.
I hope I will be able to visit this magic city this summer... I really would love doing that !
So wonderful that you were back in New York again. It's nice to go back and forth and enjoy everything that each place has to offer. I love that museum, I have never been in that one before. Thank you for the link to the post about copyright infringement. I have always been reluctant to use any photo on my blog other than my own.
Well, I hope that you have a beautiful day.
What a wonderful visit back to New York. How I would love to be able to visit the museums there.
Dear Pat,
What a lovely note you left on my blog! You have no idea how much that meant to me
I live NYC and like you, I enjoy how different east and west are. Very nice post for sure...but again Ty for touching my heart.
i enjoyed seeing the art exhibits Pat. you really take the time to teach us something about every place you visit. Your first trip "home" to Brooklyn must have been really special but as always…it's great to finally get home. I have lived in 8 different cities and except for the town I grew up in and our current home town, I find there are so many changes and feel a bit disconnected when visiting where we once lived. Have a great week Pat!
SUCH FUN, Pat! I wouldn't mind waking up at the Ritz! ;o) That Gilded Age exhibit is right up my street... *swoon*... While there's much to miss from NYC, it's wonderful to know that CO feels home to you now, and to really feel at home in two place. I know what you mean. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
I bet it was marvelous getting back east and seeing the sites and people you love there. But it sure warmed my heart to read that you now feel that Colorado is your home. I'm so very pleased your choice to move west has come with no regrets... and TONS of love and confirmation from the family that you made the right choice.
It looks like you had a great trip to New York.
I really really like nice hotel rooms and yours fits the bill. I like breakfast also and yours looks good.
That museum sounds very interesting.
The article you linked is interesting. I am careful about using others images but maybe not careful enough. About the only pics I post that are not mine are book covers and pics from movie web sites. There are several people and publications that have used some of my pics without permission and I have been at a loss of what to do about it.
So happy you came back home for some time. Wonderful photos!
Great to have you at Seasonal Sundays.
- The Tablescaper
It's wonderful to feel at home in two such different places, I love your adventure! Thanks for the NYC tour!
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