Sunday, September 29, 2024

Fall Color on Guanella Pass in Colorado

The fall season comes early in Colorado's higher elevations.  My husband and I know that as September approaches its last days it is nice to enjoy a car drive in the mountains to witness all the beautiful autumn colors at their peak. One of our favorite drives is on Guanella Pass from Grant to Georgetown.  

Guanella Pass (highest elevation 11,669 ft or 3,557 m) is a high mountain pass and one of the many scenic byways in Colorado. It is an easy winding 24-mile drive with many aspen trees along the paved road and in the mountains surrounding it.

Our first stop along the way is at Geneva Creek, a tributary of the North Fork South Platte River, to the south.  You can see a short video of the flowing creek in the video above.

The sky was a deep cloudless blue and the fall foliage colors were illuminated by strong sunlight.

Our second stop is always by this waterfall located very near the road, where we take a walk around to see all the views.

"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty"  ~ John Ruskin

" Wild is the music of autumnal winds
Amongst the faded woods"
~ Willian Wordsworth

I always enjoy seeing this home that is along the way --- imagine living there for all four seasons?

Informational placards at a roadside pull-out--click on them to enlarge the photos and any other photo in this post

We reached the 11,669 ft or 3,557 m summit. We stopped here to take photos. As you can see the summit is above the tree line.  

At the summit, hiking trails lead east to Mount Bierstadt (elevation 14,060 ft (4,290 m)) and west to Square Top Mountain, with many other trails connecting to the lower parts of the pass.

Leaving the summit we are soon surrounded by aspen trees again!

"The Heart of Autumn must have broken here, and poured its treasure upon the trees."
~ Charlotte Bates

Another favorite spot where we stop is on the Silverdale Trailhead above Georgetown.

In this short video, you can listen to how the aspen trees "quake" in a breeze!

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the Autumn tree."
 ~ Emily Bronte

It is easy to see why Fall is my favorite season!

PS: My heart goes out to all those impacted by the devastating Hurricane Helene. You are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

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