Sunday, September 15, 2024

Oh Deer!

 I haven't had the chance to write much about what's been happening in our local area this summer, and now it's almost fall! I didn't plant my usual vegetable and flower garden this summer because we traveled to New York and went on an East Coast Cruise in June. In a way, I'm glad we didn't plant anything because this trio of animals has been hanging out in my backyard almost every day, eating everything. The doe looks thin in this photo because she was still nursing her twin fawns. She's now back to normal weight as the fawns are older, and almost exclusively eat plants.

It has been nice looking out my windows to watch the fawns grow up!

This week I noticed that the fawns lost their spots and were growing their winter fur! It has been getting cooler at night although our daytime temperatures have been above normal for this time of year.

This is another deer trio that has been visiting lately--three young bucks!

They have also been eating all my shrubs!

I know I can spray a deer repellent on the shrubs to deter them,  but I don't like to apply chemicals that can affect the birds, insects and bees, rabbits, squirrels, etc, that also visit my backyard, so I've learned to tolerate them munching on everything.

Speaking of wild rabbits...we have many that also eat everything! They had a hard time with the high temperatures this summer and I often saw them sprawling out on a patch of dirt under a tree to cool off. Their poses made me laugh!

To successfully grow any plant that grows, I have found that I need to protect it by surrounding it with chicken wire fences. As a result, a handful of perennials have been able to bloom this summer, along with some vibrant sunflowers. It was nice to see a bit of color!

Fall in Colorado is beautiful, and I look forward to sharing some photos soon.

Be sure to check back!

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eileeninmd said...

Hello Pat,
Beautiful photos of the deer, they are so cute. Love the little fawns.
The bunny is cute too. I hope you have some plants left, all those deer must be hungry. The fall colors in Colorado are beautiful.
Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

Jennifer Wise said...

OH, wow! What a sight. I'm in Colorado, too, and we get quite a few deer (and rabbits), but not regularly like you do. Great photos! Visiting from the Hearth and Soul link party.

Debra | Gma’sPhoto said...

These little bunnies are so adorable, Pat! Yes, it would be neat to be able to look out of the window and see such animals. When I look out of my window I see cows and an occasional hummingbird or two.
Thank you for sharing this we me.
Take care and best wishes.

Judy Biggerstaff said...

You certainly have lots of visitors with the deer and the rabbits. Hard to protect your plants when the wildlife is hungry. Sweet pics of the fawns.

Joanne said...

I love how much wildlife you can observe right in your own backyard! I have some deer that keep eating a few of my plants too but I never ever see them!... just all the missing leaves.

Rambling Woods said...

The deer ate my violets and some sunflowers in the garden and I just let them. Most of what I plant they don't like...Michelle

stevebethere said...

What lovely photos and I love the way they just stare straight at you ha :-)

Have a deertastic week 👍

Villrose said...

They are so cute :) But also very hungry....

diane b said...

You are so tolerant of the munching deer. It must be hard work trying to protect your flowers. You have your own backyard zoo. Love the Fall colours.

Lorrie said...

Those golden trees against the blue sky are gorgeous! Are they larch? Deer are so much fun to watch, but I wouldn't want them in my garden.

Jeanie said...

I just love that you have deer and rabbits! I have forsaken hostas and tulips and sweet peas to the cause. The sad part is that the deer come at night and I never get the pleasure, just the nibbled foliage! It's so charming. (And your other blooms are beautiful!)

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing the lovely photographs of the deer.

The Autumn/Fall colours in Colorado look beautiful.

Wishing you happy Autumn days.

All the best Jan

Steph@Stephcreatesthings said...

Beautiful photos! I've lived here in Colorado for many years now. It's beautiful out here. I wanted to return the blog love! Thanks for visiting my blog. ♡