Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm sure everyone in America is busy today preparing Thanksgiving dinner! 
Enjoy the preparations today and your family gathering tomorrow.
Give thanks with a happy heart! 
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

"To make a glorious day complete,

To make each hour full and sweet,

To thank the Lord for life worth living--

That is the real and true Thanksgiving."

~ Abigail Falk

We will have lots of family favorites for our Thanksgiving dinner! Nothing too fancy. We usually begin our dinner with baked lasagna or macaroni, and then I serve the herb rubbed roasted turkey, a sausage, apple and chestnut bread stuffing, candied sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, a light and a dark turkey gravy, stuffed mushrooms, cranberry sauce, and vegetables.  This year we will have brussel sprouts with a cider vinegar and bacon dressing, roasted cauliflower with yellow peppers and capers, honey roasted butternut squash, and a spinach pie.  Dessert will be home made apple pie or pocket pies, pumpkin pie, maple bundt cake, assorted chocolates and an ice cream cake for my daughter's birthday!

We have much to be thankful for -- our faith, our family, our friends. Gratitude for things we never take for granted, like good health or gainful employment.  We have hopes and dreams for the future....and a new grandson on the way in 2011. We give thanks for all!

Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; be thankful unto Him,and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.
~Psalm 100; 4-5

We will also enjoy a dark chocolate turkey from the chocolatier Jacques Torres, but not from his Brooklyn D.U.M.B.O store which I have visited before, click this link to read about that, but from his Manhattan "SoHo" store (and of course there will more about this in a future blog post, so stay tuned!)

"November comes

And November goes,

With the last red berries

And the first white snows.

With night coming early,

And dawn coming late,

And ice in the bucket

And frost by the gate.

The fires burn

And the kettles sing,

And earth sinks to rest

Until next spring."

- Elizabeth Coatsworth

Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving Day!

I'm adding this post to Sue's It's a Very Cherry World's Rednesday Jenny Matlock's "Alphabe Thursday" as this week it is a special Thanksgiving event, and Sandi of The Whistlestop Cafe's Cooking "Friday Favorites Linky Party."

♥ I am grateful for all my blog friends and readers --
I value getting to know you and each and every comment I receive.
You make me so very happy --
 more than you could possibly know! ♥

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The Gathering Place said...

Lovely post. Your food looks and sounds delicious, the photos are beautiful, and the quotes are right on! Thanks!

pam said...

Oh Pat....your blog always brings me quiet joy deep inside...beautiful pictures and gentle words. Blessings of all His best to your celebration of Thanks!

Vee said...

Pat, you're preparing an amazing feast! I just read the menu to my mother who is busy making pumpkin pies and she said,"Wow!" So did I! A very blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours and happy preparing! Loved the verses...Elizabeth Coatsworth is one of my faves and I'm sure you know why!

Sue said...

Hi Pat....your food looks wonderful and ofcourse you have lasagna before the turkey...I miss not having a big Thanksgiving dinner with the family and being able to do all that cooking...luckily we can do that next month for Christmas...But Thanksgiving is still my favorite holiday....and your reminded me that I have all those turkey candy molds and why in the world didn't I make Miss B a chocolate turkey??...there's always next year....Have a good one!! Sue

Carol said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Pat, to you and yours! WHAT A FEAST! It looks fantastic! We go to good friends, they haven't changed up the menu in over 25 years :) But it's a great time!

Enjoy the holiday!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!We are going to Ma-n-laws,no cooking for me,yippee.

Anonymous said...

OMG....your feast is AMAZING!! I want to come to your house!!!! :) Ours is simple and small....well, I shouldn't say simple...I can make all things complex and difficult, even the turkey! :)

I wish you a happy and blessed day tomorrow! I am so thankful to have you a one of my first and dearest bloggy friends!! L, dana

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Oh am i glad i found ur blog!!
So beautiful a place!!
love ur thoughts and quotes on Thanksgiving!!
Truly a life to Thank HIm !!
Love ur delicious spread too , happy thanksgivng with love!

RoeH said...

I'd never get past the baked macaroni. Love that stuff. And then all the other things? Wow. I'm coming to your house.

La Petite Gallery said...

Happy Thanksgiving Pat.
Maine is suppose to get out first snow friday. Great post as usual. Thet last photo of the park bench, you need to make a calendar. You really have a talent taking photo's.


CatHerder said...


CatHerder said...


CatHerder said...


CatHerder said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Wow! I am getting very tired just reading about all the good food you will have! Two different gravies, and lasagna plus the turkey! Do you do ALL of this cooking? You have more energy than I do even in my dreams!! Are these pictures from your table on past Thanksgivings? How beautiful!! One thing I am Thankful for is my new friendship with you and your wonderful blog. Blessings to you on this holiday and always.

Proud Italian Cook said...

Holy Moly, I want to come to your house Pat!Everything looks and sounds scrumptious, and I want a bite of that choclate turkey!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a feast you will enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to you and your family! Diane ♥♥♥

Donnie said...

What a great menu...what was your address again.....hehehe......Your pictures are the closest thing to food porn I have ever seen. Then you ended with Jacques Torres chocolate I couldn't concentrate on the rest of your post. Happy Thanksgiving.

Margaret said...

Hi Pat, Wishing You and Your family all a Very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday! Pat, what a Delicous Thanksgiving feast!! Yummm!!! Congratulations on Your Wonderful news of expecting another precious Grandson, a brother for Leo :) Thank-you Pat for Your sharing on Your most WONDERFUL blog :) I always look forward to dropping by...
Margaret from B.C.

Old Kitty said...

I am flying over to have dinner with you now! LOL!!

Wow - what a sumptuous and very special dinner!!! How exciting!! I hope you have a wonderful and HAPPY THANKSGIVING with all your family and loved ones and friends!! That really is a menu to remember for a very long time (oh ok till christmas!!! Yay!!!).

And thank you for th DUMBO link!! I half expected a chocolate shop with chocolate elephants but lo!! Look at Mr Torres's wonderful chocolate shop!! Yum!!

Have a great celebration, Pat - take care

Claudia said...

What a beautiful post. I'm keeping this open so I can gaze at your feast as I cook and clean. Sentiments from the heart. With thanks that you are my friend! Happy Thanksgiving.

Yvette said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Pat.
You and your family. NYC is such a special place this time of year. :)

nanny said...

I hope you and your family have the best Thanksgiving ever....I am so proud to have your wonderful blog to read daily...your pictures never fail to brighten my day.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow Pat, Your dinner is HUGE.... How does anyone eat all of that??? I guess people just take a dab of this and a dab of that... It looks incredible. I would love your sausage, apple and chestnut dressing (stuffing)... YUM....

Beautiful photos.... Love those red berries.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Michelle said...

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Pat. How wonderful to have shared with you this year and looking forward to blogging along merrily for the coming year. Blessings

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

What a fabulous array of food Pat. I would love to eat my way through it.

I hope you and your family have a fabulous Thanksgiving. Enjoy all the city has to offer.

Trotter said...

Hi Pat! Happy Thanksgiving!! Lovely post...

The most magnificent temple of Ancient Egypt is on Blogtrotter Two waiting to be seen!! Enjoy and have a great week!

Jojo said...

Nothing too fancy???? Is that what you said? I'm now starving after having read your post! Especially teh brussel sprouts in a cider and bacon dressing!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

Come Away With Me said...

Thank you for the beautiful photos and the beautiful words. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your family.

Judy said...

Wishing you and yours a most wonderful Thanksgiving celebration, Pat. And Happy B'day to your daughter.

Nothing fancy? Sounds like an amazing feast to me!

Happy@Home said...

Oh my, my mouth is watering after looking at your lovely photos and reading your menu. Those chocolate turkeys are amazing.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Sheila said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, The mosaic of all the things on your table looks absolutely scrumptious! Wonderful photos once again. Thanks for sharing them with your readers.

★Carol★ said...

Your menu sounds fantastic! And the best part will be all of the leftovers, which taste even better the next day!
Happy REDnesday and Happy Thanksgiving!

Savoring Italy said...

What a beautiful post. What a delicious feast! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving:)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

The new grandson is the most wonderful thing to be thankful for ;)

It's been a busy day here - I have the family tomorrow and have been busy all day. Your feast sounds wonderful!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Pat!

Arlene Delloro said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Pat. Enjoy the day with your family. The menu sounds wonderful.

bj said...

Happiest Thanksgiving...and your menu sounds DELISH...:))

Anonymous said...

What a great Thanksgiving post! Hope you have a great day.


Jo said...

Pat, what an amazing post ... your dinner sounds astounding!!! and your photos are just amazing ... have a wonderful feast!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Here's hoping that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Will you be going to the parade? I will be watching on TV. Enjoy being with family and have a great day!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Pat...

i'm visiting via Alphabe-Thursday
WoW what a feast!!!
your post is wonderful
all your pictures and words
truly all to be THANKFUL for.

i'm your newest follower and invite you to come visit with me.

p.s. I {{{heart}}} NY
~victoria~ said...

Happy Thanksgiving Pat! Such a wonderful post as always. Your food spread looks amazing too.
& a big happy birthday to your daughter!

paige said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that our feast looks like that! I'm doing it all alone again this year for several people, none of whom are American, excepting yours truly. :0

Just a little something from Judy said...

Just knew I would find a true, from the heart Thanksgiving message here on your blog. And, I also knew I would find more beautiful Thanksgiving photography. Of course, I was not disappointed. Your family will be so blessed by that delicious sounding menu, with chocolates as a gift.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! You and your blog continue to bless my life.

Sandy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Pat to you and your family. Lovely post as usual my friend!

Unknown said...

Oh my...that is an INCREDIBLE feast you have prepared! Wow! I want to come by and spend Thanksgiving with your family too :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Gracie said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family! God.... that food....!!

podso said...

Thanks for such a beautiful post to enjoy! I too am thankful for my blogging friends who I connect with so often. Your Thanksgiving dinner reminds me of the first time (when we lived in NJ) as a kid, we enjoyed a meal at a "real Italian" family's home. We thought the first course, the ravioli was it, and could hardly believe all that came afterwards! Your food photos are beautiful!

Judie said...

This is just a beautiful post! We don't have fall scenery like this in Tucson, and it has been a long time since I have seen a holly with read berries on it. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us.

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Pat, I wanted to drop by and tell you what blessing you are in my life and to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like you are off to a great start with that delicious food!

Love you much...


Sheila :-)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Your dinner sounds wonderful. If I had lasagna i would have to wait a while before I could eat anything else. Beautiful pictures.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Ingrid said...

I think I put on a few kgs reading all these Thanksgiving menus and plates and dishes, I am getting hungry ! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving because we stayed in Europe !

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Have a wonderful feast!!!!
Happy TURKEY day!
I would NOT mind a nibble of that chocolate turkey! ;)

Stacey Snacks said...

Have a wonderful feast today with your famiglia!!

Pondside said...

What beautiful sentiments, Pat. Your Thanksgiving feast sounds like it must have been a grand one - I hope you enjoyed every bite and every minute.
Thank you for sharing your view of the world from your travels, your cooking and your home!

Frances said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Pat! I'm flabbergasted to read the amount of food you fixed today. Wow! I hope it was a joyous day for you and for those you love. I love your photos. That last one is from Green-Wood, isn't it? I look forward to reading your postings from now till Christmas, to see all the wondrous ways you celebrate! Hugs .....

H said...

WOW! Looking at that spread almost makes me wish we would celebrate Thanksgiving over here! (Especially as I had a full day at work followed by a parent's evening for my son).

Hope you had a very special day :)

Rettabug said...

Pat, these are some of the quintessential scenes of Thanksgiving & you've captured them beautifully! I can't wait to see what you photographed at the parade...I KNOW you took your camera!!! LOL

Oh & anytime you want to share that brussels sprouts recipe with the cider vinegar & bacon dressing, I'll be waiting with "copy & paste" ready!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The chocolate turkey looks wonderful. Great post!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I made brussels sprouts with a bacon cider vinegar dressing also.

I'm not sure the kids liked them, but I loved them!

Happy Turkey Day!

Betsy Brock said...

Pat ~ all of that food looks soooo scrumptious! I'm sure your family enjoyed getting together to celebrate the holiday and a birthday! love and hugs to you!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

you are thoughtful,
love these images,
festive, refreshing, and beautiful.
Blessings fly your way.
Happy Belated One.

awards/treats 4 u

Sarah said...

Pat, looks like your feast was as abundant as ours. I love the poetry and the photo of the lake. It reminds me of something out of Ideal Magazine from my childhood. Stunningly beautiful! ~ sarah

Jenny said...

What a joyful and peaceful Thanksgiving post!

I loved your words, the poetry, the pictures and most of all just visiting you.

I swear, my stress just falls away the minute I click on your blog.

Thank you for linking to Alphabe-Thursday.

I truly count finding your blog as one of my blessings.


steviewren said...

Oh my gosh Pat! What a feast you cooked. I would have been too full for anything else after the lasagna. This was a beautiful post in every way...the food, the blessings, the photos and the gratefulness for all that God has provided. I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Gina said...

Glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving, what an incredible feast! makes me wish we also celebrate it in Oz...and that's the first chocolate turkey I've ever seen!..LOL Gxox