This video called "Alice Dancing Under the Gallows" is the Official Trailer for a new documentary short about the oldest Holocaust survivor in the world, Alice Herz-Sommer. This interview with her, and some of her friends who were also Holocaust survivors, is so compelling that I think you will find it is one you will want to share with many.
Alice was a 39-year-old concert pianist in Prague in 1943 when she and her husband and six-year-old son were arrested and sent to the Nazi concentration camp Theresienstadt. I could not imagine the horrors she saw in her days in that camp, but playing music helped her to persevere. At the age of almost 107 years old she continues to live with hope and optimism. She is truly inspirational!
The video begins by running dark for a few seconds, but will soon open.
Thank you......thank you for sharing this. It really does put things into perspective, doesn't it?
Happy Birthday Alice....
The video is inspiring. The survivors I have known have been strong. An inner strength and resolve. A woman I worked with kept herself and two toddler daughters alive in Auschwitz.
Wow...good timing.
Pat, I am speechless. This was truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and so touching and inspirational. Thank you for posting this.
In college I studied what happened in the camps, not only to the Jews but to Christians, and this lady's story is just phenomenal. God bless her sweet heart! We are contributers in various ways to education in this area, and I am thrilled to see this. I will be sure to pass it on to Mr. Magpie.
Shalom to Dear Alice and Shalom to you, my dear friend...
Sheila :-)
Oh Pat I did see this - Manzanita's blog (Wanna buy a duck)shared this clip!! It's totally totally amazing! I love Alice's personality, her gutsy optimism, her love of life and above all her passion and love for her music. I truly think her intensity and her refusal to let her captors break her spirit and her soul saved her and her son! She is a true inspiration!! She's a true hero!! I love Alice - she returns my faith in the goodness of humanity and in the triumph of love and peace over hatred and fear!
Go Alice!! Take care
She is a fabulous example for all of be optimistic, to never hate and to enjoy your birthday parties!! Happy Birthday to Alice........
What a a spellbinding video, Pat. Thanks for sharing.
L, Dana
Her voice is the voice of my ancestors, her spirit is magical. I am grateful that Alice survived to tell her story and fill the world with optimism and music. I will send this post to my mother and my daughters...they will appreciate it. Like Alice, you have an amazing heart too Pat.
♥, Susan
Thank you for sharing this, Nan. So beautiful, so inspiring.
I'm so sorry about the name mix-up, Pat. My brain today is extra-frazzled. A thousand apologies.
That was so touching....I love her optimism and agree with her so much! She is an inspiration. Wish I could send her a birthday card or better yet go to London and meet this sweet lady.
Amazing how she could speak of the beauty of life after that. My Mama used to always say it could be worst. , she has that positive attitude.
Thank you for bring this to our attention.
I watched that video recently. Needless to say, Alice's positive outlook on life put me to shame as well as inspiring me to look at life in a more upbeat manner. I want to be like her when I grow up!
An inspiration to us all...I'm reminded or Corrie ten Boom and the inspiration she was to me. Thank you! Cathy
This has left me rather speechless, but it is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing this.
there are times blog posts go beyond...this is one of those moments.
and i glad i was able to share, if just for a time !
all the blessings :)
Hope you don't mind if I put this on my post for my people. But mostly for my Alice in DC. Just beautiful.
Remarkable woman and an optimist's optimist. Hope she has the most wonderful party ever!
Oh, my! Extraordinary!
What a wonderful story! To think that music kept Alice and so many other camp survivors alive. I loved watching every minute! Thank you for sharing this.
Oh My Goodness, Pat... That is awesome...What a strong woman... Such an inspiration to us all...
Thanks for sharing.
What an optimistic person and she never hates, wow! Lovely to see. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Pat, for introducing me to a phenomenal woman! We can all learn something from her.
Thank you for sharing this. It is so inspiring and brought tears to my eyes. ~ Sarah
She's a true treasure, we can all learn a life lesson from her, I know I did!
HI Pat, What an inspiring video. I admire people who can live there life so beautifully at an old age. Wonderful.
Have a good weekend
Thanks for the link.....inspiring and emotional....
Hi Pat! 107!! Incredible!!
The video is a hymn to life... Great job!!
Waiting for you at Blogtrotter Two. Have a great weekend!!
Yowza! What an extraordinary find and share, Pat! Thanks!
What an amazing story of survival, optimism, love, forgiveness and music. !07 and looking forward to the party and her mind is still so sharp.
I saw this linked on another blog last week and was just AMAZED... This film is so heartbreakingly beautiful--pure inspirationg. Thanks for sharing too, Pat. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
Alice is an important teacher for our times. Keep active, do what you love each day, welcome visitors and love those you meet. Simple and profound. Thank you for sharing this. Shalom.
This lady is great.
At 107 she is so fit mentally and can play the piano with such ease.
Like she said "Music is God"
Pat I lingered here a while and watched this beautiful and inspirational video. So much wisdom, so much truth about the creative side of life. Thank you for posting this video. A dose of hope can carry us a long way. It made me cry, but in a good way. I love the thought about investing in people and her words about being rich.
Thank you for posting this, Pat. The Great Dane just watched it with me. The events of that time are moving so quickly out of living memory - it's a gift to learn something about such a life.
So inspiring!!!!!!!
I am sharing it.
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