Monday, August 4, 2008

New York Renaissance Faire

{All photos enlarge when clicked on}
This weekend my husband, daughter and I drove upstate to Sterling Forest in Tuxedo, New York to attend the 31st annual New York Renaissance Faire. It was the fist time we attended this humorously stylized version of the 16th century.

Walking through the main gate we are greeted by "Dooley Dragon," and we realize we are to suspend all reality and enter a world of humorous fantasy and Medieval entertainment.

The day begins with a welcome address at Roselawn Tournament Field by "Queen Elizabeth 1," who is attended by all her Lords and Ladies.

Actors and actresses in beautiful costumes are all over the reproduction village of Sterling Shire's 65 acres, and they greet visitors with a courtesy and "Good day ma'Lady" and "Good day ma'Lord" in 16 th century English accent.

Many of the outside guests arrive in costume too! In fact, there are multiple costume rental facilities in the park in case you feel out of place and want to put on a bustier and long skirt. I dared my husband to wear tights but he politely declined. We stayed in our street clothes and felt much cooler that way in the August heat, but it was amusing to see the creativity of many of the visitors.

The following photos are of the exciting tournament and joust that took place at the Renaissance Faire. It was all quite exciting!
Some children were knighted by the Queen before the ceremony for doing good deeds all year long, and it was precious to see how proud and excited they were!

There was also a very exciting chess match between Sir Philip De Marque, the Sheriff of Nottingham against Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, on the giant live chess board!

As each piece makes a move there is an ensuing conflict battle until one surrenders and the loser is eliminated. Sadly Robin Hood lost this chess match! Poor Maid Marian was devastated. I believe he was to be a rematch later in the day where she was hopefully won back by Robin Hood!

A lively Maypole dance was held in the meadow, accompanied by many minstrels playing music.

Round and round they danced until.....

...the entire pole of ribbons were braided to the end! Huzzah!

We were told "huzzah" was the proper way to express congratulations during the day!

There were rides for the children at the Renaissance Faire.

There was also entertainment for the adults, from multiple skits performed on multiple stages throughout the park. The highlight was Aristophanes's' bawdy play "Lysistrata," where the female characters do some creative "withholding" to end the Peloponnesian War and secure peace.

Glassblowing demonstrations were held throughout the day......

...and there was multiple fortune telling booths.....

..... games of chance and skill to play.....

...and archery to try.

A most unusual treat being sold by cart all throughout the park was pickles!

Your choice to purchase a dill or a garlic pickle!

Of course there were many other food options to choose from.

This man, who I believe was a visitor, was sitting next to me at the group picnic tables. I found it interesting that he had to take off all of his rings, which you see in the pile next to him on the table, in order to eat.

There were also many craft shops in the village which offered their wares for purchase as souvenirs. This booth sold shields for young knights, and the young man wearing the cape in the photo was trying to decide which one he liked.

This shop had pretty pewter, silver and glass items for sale. Perhaps a goblet would be nice to have in which to drink the honey wine called Mead, which was the popular drink by many at the faire?

There were beautiful hand carved items for sale at a wood workers shop.

As you can see by the sign in this jewelry booth, "Lady Visa" and "Lord Master" were welcome forms of currency!

All in all, we had a raucous good time visiting this replica Medieval village in Sterling Forest, and enjoyed the faire!
I do believe Merlin the Magician put a spell on us as we left, so that someday we will have to return when our future grandson is old enough to be possibly knighted by the Queen!

Until then, we bid farewell to the New York Renaissance Faire of 2008!

If anyone is interested to visit the faire it will be held every Saturday and Sunday and also Labor Day Monday, until September 21, 2008.


Just A Girl said...

HI Pat,
I love Ren Faires! My hubby and I always go so I made us some costumes. It's so much fun and bodices are surprisingly comfortable. YOu can walk for hours without back or shoulder aches. It looks like you had sooo much fun!
Have a great week!
:) Cori

Joanne Kennedy said...

How fun! We have one here every year too. I've only gone one time as it is held in the hot summer days and is held in a very hot city! Why must they do that?

I had fun when I went though. It's often fun to just let go of yourself and get into the time period and just have fun.

I remember everyone eating big ol' Turkey legs. Did they have those there?

I wonder if it's the same company that comes to side of the country.

Glad you had a good time. Thanks for taking us along!


Tara said...

Hi Pat

I have always wanted to go to this fair! Oh, gosh,I have tell my family you've been someplace else I want to go! Hee-hee! They certainly benefit, don't they?

Vee said...

Oh my! How festive and wonderful! They performed "Lysistrata"? Hmmmm, I remember that play well from college days...they must have done some "creative withholding" to perform the play... LOL!

And your husband's refusal to wear tights just shocks me. After all, he donned an apron. ;>

Picket said...

Morning friend! I have never heard of that but it looked like so much fun...loved seeing the costumes! As always I come away from your post with a smile and learn something new everytime! lol have a great day girl!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

That was fun Pat! It reminds me of when my younger brother and I first moved out to Colorado. They have a Ren. Fest. at Larkspur south of Denver and our friends took us there as a welcome to Colorado day. You could purchase the services of many roving characters at this faire. Our firends bought a "kissing wench" for Mike (my brother). I have the most delightful picture of Mike laughing uproariously while this medieval wench covers him in kisses leaving every exposed part of his body...including his belly as she pulled up his bright red lipstick marks! It was too funny!! Then they bought a "groveler" (sp) for me. They all stood back and laughed as I tried to shake this man from my leg as I drug him along...or tried to as I was trying to extricate myself from his grip...with him yelling all the while how unworthy he was of the attentions of such a fair young maiden! Thanks for reminding me of all the fun we had that day!

I'm glad you three had a great day together too:D

Tracy said...

LOVE Ren Faires!! I hope to go to the one in PA while we're home there next month..LOVED all your photos and fun here today! ((HUGS))

Donna said...

Oh what a fabulous time! Renaissance fairs are so much fun, we used to go to one in Manheim, PA.

Great photos!

Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

ooo Pat I feel like I've just had a marvellous day with you! The poor lady in the dark red and gold outfit might need to be unbound from the toilets though as I've "borrowed" her costume. LOL

Son has Camelot on his list of places he wants to go to this Summer- they do similar things but it's mainly fairground rides. Jousting is so exciting to watch and becoming an international sport. I love archery too. Ooo thanks so much for sharing.

Dorothy said...

Oh Pat...I love the Renaissance Faire....we have one here in Tampa Bay...It is fantastic and usually held during the winter months. The one in New York looks more elaborate. I love the costumes..and how everyone gets into the act :) Merlin the Magician looks awesome...a wonderful costume ..great hair :) Thank you for sharing...I loved looking at everything...great photos.

GMG said...

Hi Pat! Great post, lovely pictures. Just wonder how New York area would be in the Renaissance times... ;)
Have a great week!

Barb said...

Hi Pat,

That looked like so much fun. I always look forward to catching up on your posts. I can't imagine how heavy and hot the costumes were. Street clothing would have been my choice too.


Rosie's Whimsy said...

These Faires are so much fun. There is one outside Lebanon, PA that takes place on the property of a winery. It sounds very much like the one you visited. I'm a bit shy so was taken aback by the the actors coming up and taking to you.....but I got a bit used to it as the day wore on :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I like Dooley Dragon. ;-)

Looks like you had a fun day.


Judi A. said...

I loved the pictures of the May Pole. When I was in 1st & 2nd grades, on "May Day" we always went to the gym where poles were set up and we wound the pretty ribbons around them while music was playing. We then made May Baskets from colored construction paper and filled them with flowers to take home to our mothers. Ahhh such memories. Thanks for the pictures! :-)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed my trip to the faire by way of your blog, which I enjoy very much! I'm so glad I found you this morning!♥

Kathy said...

Huzzah!!!!. Pat, The Renaissance Faire is on my to do list now haha.
Sounds like you had a lovely day,
Better take our lady visa and lord master cards with us. hugs, Kathy.

Unknown said...

Hi Pat,
I've not heard of this before til today. You do such a great job with your photos and comments. I always enjoy learning something new when I visit your blog! The Faire looks like the beautiful costumes!
Hope you are having a wonderful day,

Darius T. Williams said...

Seems like a great was the food though?


Olivier said...

superbe ton reportage sur cette fête, cela donne envie, mais grâce a tes photos ont s'y trouve, merci.
haughtiness your report on this holiday, it gives desire, but favour has your photographs have is, there thank you.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I have missed out on a lot in my little road trip absence! First, the tag sounds fun and I will play it soon! LOVE that recipe---your family is so lucky to have a cook like you! That Renaissance Faire looks terrific! It has lots of similarities to the one we have--held in Sept to Oct.. We haven't been in years, but maybe I can twist someone's arm to take me back! Love the last photo you creative blogger you!

Junie Moon said...

Except for the landscape (i.e., trees and green stuff everywhere), I thought I was seeing photos of the Renaissance Faire held each year here in Arizona. How great that you "documented" the adventures to be had at these events. I love every single thing about these faires, especially the jovial people (visitors and faire staff)--it's always jolly fun.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I haven't been the Ren Faire in years! When I was in college a couple of my friends were (and could still be for all I know!) actors in the one in Tuxedo Park. I was just a groupie wench. ;-)


Michelle said...

Hi Pat ~ what a fun day! I remember going to a Renaissance Faire out here in California and had such a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing your day,


steviewren said...

Pat, you are so clever to coordinate your playlist music with your posts. I've been meaning to compliment you on that. Well done.

The faire looks like it was fun and had something amazing for everyone. Aren't you glad the participants only looked like their medieval counterparts and didn't smell like them too!

Lavinia said...

I had heard of fairs like this, Pat, but I thought they were only in England. Who knew!

What a much to see and do.....

The costumed revellers went all out...look at the detail....

Wonderful to immerse oneself in the interesting eras of the past....fires the imagination....

Rue said...

Hi Pat :)

I've always wanted to go to one of those!! I hope I get to go o the on here and it's a neat as yours. I'd want to wear a costume :)


Unknown said...

Oh I love this post! I have a post very similar! Love Renassance Faires! Thanks for sharing and love the music too!

Strider said...

We have one of these in the area I live in. I've never been to it, but your pictures have inspired me.....maybe next year!

Strider said...

We have one of these in the area I live in. I've never been to it, but your pictures have inspired me.....maybe next year!

Unknown said...

Hello Pat :P
You've so many wonderful post, but this is my favourite, I re-read it so many times..loving all the pictures! I really would like to visit this place one looks like a dream and something what I can only see in the movies. My Lady Visa and Lord master will be very busy when I am there for sure. Tks for sharing Pat, you are a gem!!! Love you to the max :)

Susie Q said...

Our Faire begins very soon. Grace has never been so this may be the year we go! Why must they be when it is so hot though?? *grin*
Still, if we have a cooler day it is always fun to go and *play* for a few hours!

Dan used to love getting one of the HUGE turkey legs and walked around eating it..: )

Your photos were so pretty and full of color!

Always sweet to visit dear Pat and see what fun you have been up to!


Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Pat!
What fun!! I love to go to our Renaissance Festival when it comes in the fall. I even have fabric I've collected to make a "ladys" costume! I hope I have time to do some sewing.
I've always wanted to go in costume!!
I'm feeling better bit my bit, hope it continues.
Thanks for your email!
Hugs, Sherry

Just A Girl said...

HI Pat,
I hope you're having a fun week. I'm passing my sweet little friendship award on to you. So click over and copy.
You are such a sweet lady and I appreciate your friendship so much! Thank you...oh! Love the Ren music!

Proud Italian Cook said...

Oh how fun Pat! Do they sell the big turkey legs to munch on?

Anonymous said...

I love this, Pat. We used to always go to the Renaissance Faire at Viscaya in Miami. You brought back fond memories.

Mrs. B said...

Hi Pat! That looks like so much fun! I've always wanted to go to a Renaisance fair, but never have. It's sort of like playing "dress up" for grown ups! But I know I'd never be able to get my hubby to go with me!

Kai said...

What a great post! Thank you SO much for sharing the festival! We have one here in the Fall but I've never been able to go. You did such a lovely & thorough job of sharing YOUR time there, I feel I HAVE been now! (And I had a VERY good time!)

Nihal said...

Pat Carissima,
Here's a big Smiling Hello upon my return back to home.
How I missed like a crazy and you see I'm on 'tour' to catch up my fave readings.
Oh I should give you 'Un abbraccio forte forte' for the award:) Very pleased to get it, and it is an honor receiving this award from you, being my very first from the US:)
There's a saying from Plato, which I love: ''Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.'' This is what you exactly do. So, Mille Grazie, Pat:)

Hope you had a sweet 'blue' summer, and my wishes for a Happy August to you.

All of my best & Lots of love. See you again so soon.


Camille said...

Great photos!! I went to the Faire..even camped nearby, years ago. It is such a fun and colorful time! Thanks for that post. Brings back memories.

tlchang said...

Wow! That faire looks amazing. We have a very tiny, local, medieval village (circa 1374 AD) - but nothing compared to this.

Thanks for the comprehensive reporting. That was impressive and looks like an awful lot of fun.

And thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is terribly 'yummy' (not to be read when hungry I think!) :-)

Louise said...

We visited a mediaeval Christmas market in Germany and I loved it. What a great day out for you. When I was at primary school on May Day we danced around the maypole, the ribbons became tangled a few times, I can tell you. x

CatHerder said...

We used to go EVERY YEAR, but didnt make it last year, or this year...YET. I wanted to vend there...great pics...i always LOVED the Merlin waiting by the tree when you come in, a cup of Mead, playing with the little "dragons" they sell, but my favorite i think is the mud pit...those guys make me LAUGH!!

Anonymous said...

Good Day and well my lady,

My wench and I have been going to Faire for some years now and we actual travel a fair piece from the north in New Hampshire to attend this glorious event. We too dress the part as you have mentioned of others and find that the actors interact more often with you. Fare thee well, until next the faire. Huzzah
Jim & Nancie