Sunday, October 5, 2008

34 Years Ago Today!

We are away, celebrating 34 years of a happy marriage today!

Look at those young faces! I remember looking at my wedding album and thinking we would never change.

Yes, change has come, but it has been the change that comes from happiness, and love, and many years of living through both the good times and the hard times in our life together. There was never a happier day in our lives as the day we were married, until the ones when our children were born, and now we await a wonderful new happiness of the birth of our first grandchild!

Now, as we are look forward to celebrating the second half of our lives together, we give thanks for all our blessings.

"Give thanks for the little and you will find you have a lot"


Anonymous said...

Happy 34th Anniversary, Pat!

CatHerder said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Its so rare you hear people married so long that are happy....Im married 25 this year, and could not be happier, i am NOT the norm these days. Congrads..hope you have a wonderful exciting anniversary and many many more!

Rosie's Whimsy said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful time away together. :-) Rosie

by Danie said...

Happy anniversary, yes life can be beautiful, I wish you lots of hapiness and a long healthy joyfull second part of life.

Vee said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary!

You two really haven't changed at all! That's the first thing that I said seeing your beautiful wedding photo.

Hope you're having a wonderful time away.

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you!! It's a wonderful accomplishment in todays world! I love your wedding photo Pat! I also thought Wes & I would never change, well our hearts haven't!!
We're so happy for you both and hope you have had a wonderful romantic getaway!!
Big hugs, Sherry & Wes

Naz said...

Happy Anniversary. This is indeed a happy time in your lives. May you be blessed with many, many more years of happiness.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful testiment to your love and devotion.

Anonymous said...

A very happy anniversary wish from me to you! :)

Just A Girl said...

Look at how darling you two are! Don't you just love going back to look at your wedding pictures?
You made a beautiful bride Pat. I hope the two of you are having a fun vacation away.
See you soon!
XO Cori

Judy said...

Happy 34th Anniversary! That's something to celebrate...have a wonderful time away.

Cynthia said...

Happy Anniversary my dear one!

Marg said...

We can't help but celebrate the milestones and thank God who made marriages something that he thought was good. Mankind has destroyed them. God knew what he was doing.
Blessings for many more years together.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! You two make a good looking couple!

Staying married 34 years is quite an accomplishment these days!

Kathy said...

Awwww Pat you and hubby make a wonderful couple, many congratulations on your 34th anniversary, wishing you many, many more happy and healthy years to come, have a wonderful time today, speak soon, big hugs to you both, Kathy.

Proud Italian Cook said...

Have a wonderful Anniversary Pat, with the Man of Your Dreams!!! 34 years strong!! Woo Hoo!!!

steviewren said...

Happy Anniversary! Didn't you both make a cute couple! It's so nice to know married couples that are still happy and in love after so much time together. The world needs more of you. Have mucho fun on your trip.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Pat! It's so lovely and refreshing to hear of people still being in love. :-) Have a wonderful special and memorable day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Pat. Your photo is precious! Yes, time has changed our appearances over the last 40 years, but I can't imagine spending it with anyone else. Have a grand time on your trip. Dana

Strider said...

Dang! YOu should have told all of us that you married Tony Orlando!

Grand Life said...

Happy Anniversary. I just returned from a great two weeks in New York City. Must have my yearly fix. Such an incredible city. Hope you had a great time on your get-a-way

nanatrish said...

Happy Anniversary! Your picture is beautiful. Doesn't time fly by? I know you must be so anxious to hold that little baby. I tell you I never knew I could love anyone as much as my granddaughter. She is so much joy and gives me hope. I can't wait to see a picture of your little fella.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Pat!! What a beautiful photo of you and your husband! Don't forget to send me your address when you get home so I can send you the giveaway you won!...Donna

Angela said...


Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Congratulations Pat!! I hope you are having a wonderful time away together!!

When you get back...drop me an email with your address. I have a couple of little friends who are really excited to be moving to Brooklyn!!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh Congratulations! But I must say you do not look old enough to have been married that long!

Hope you had a wonderful get away.

I just got home today and thought I would pop in and say hi.

I'll be stopping by more regular again now I'm home.

I'm so tired. Had a blast but now I need a vacation to rest up from the vacation I just got back from.


Gina said...

A very happy 34th Anniversary to your both Pat! Hope you are having a wonderful and memorable time away together! Gina xox

Judy said...

Happy Anniversary and many many more!

Anonymous said...

This makes me so happy for both of you. What a treasure is a wonderful marriage.

Best wishes.

heidi said...

Your post gave me goosebumps! Congrats on the anniversary AND all upcoming grandbabies!

Darius T. Williams said...

Awwww...I love anniversaries! Happy Anniversary.

MJ Ornaments said...

Congratulations Pat. I wish you and your family every happiness.
Take care,

Tracy said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary, Pat! How sweet the pair of you in your wedding photo...Wishing you & your hubby many, many more blissful years together! :o) 34...that is a milestone, and an inspiration. DH & I have been married 8...very, very happy! Happy Days as you await even more joy...((HUGS))

Willow said...

I Knew It! Your Anniversary! Congratulations! Hurray!

Camille said...

Beautiful photo! Happy Anniversary!!

Mrs. B said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope your getaway was romantic and fun! Your wedding photo is beautiful, love that soft candle light!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Oh, yay!!! Happy (belated!)anniversary to you and many, many more years of healthy, happy wedded bliss.

Best of wishes,
Laura @ the shore house.

Susie Q said...

Again, a belated happy anniversary...may you have many more sweet years together. I loved all the pictures of your special trip...and this picture is such fun to see. What a beautiful couple. Gee, you are STILL a beautiful couple!