Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Haunted Walk!

The beautiful salt marsh I posted about last week was the scene of the annual Halloween Haunted Walk, and I thought I'd take you all along .... that is if you dare!

We were greeted at the gate by a ghoulish character, and were assembled into a group to begin our escorted tour.....

We see the group ahead of us walking gingerly onto the path as moans and screams can be heard coming from beyond the bushes ...... what lies ahead? We cower in terror!

Go back ...... go back.....whisper the trees! Those that enter are seen nevermore.....

.......go back, they cry, but we bravely continue on......

What's this? The grim reaper stretching this poor soul upon the rack! Go back she screams.....go back!

Too late, we can no longer turn around, for the witches have put their spell on us as they stir their dark cauldron's brew.

They offer treats of licorice but we refuse them .... there must be a reason for their offer ..... could it be an evil potion?

..........and then we see that is not only the licorice that has made the rats fat!

Ghouls and goblins follow us, and deeper into the marsh we go.....

..........where every turn makes us howl....

.... every bend in the road makes us scream.....

as frightening ghosts and goblins abound......

.......and mummies, vampires, henchmen, ghouls..... they all were there to haunt us!

This mad scientist displayed her macabre experiment gone awry.

With every twist and turn of the path there was something waiting to make us tremble.

Oh no! Someone from another group that did not make it.....
She was laid to rest as ghostly ghastly as Edgar Allen Poe's Annabel Lee.
"This is the punishment for not doing homework!" said the man throwing the electrocution switch, as the children watching trembled.

Even wild and scary animals were jumping out of the reeds....

....and this friendly scarecrow managed to scare me the most as it jumped out and grabbed me! BOO!!!

The vampires across the road could not contain their giggles after seeing me frightened and hearing me scream.

Finally, we exit the marsh and the headless horseman asks if we would like to jump on for a ride?
But we decline, as this hot rod hearse looks like a faster way to make our escape .....

...and enable us to tell the tale of surviving the haunted walk for another year!


I was boo-ed by Mrs B ..... thank you Mrs B!
And now it's my turn to do the Boo-ing! I would like anyone that has not been "boo-ed" as yet to take this picture and pass it on -- the rules are below.
The Blogging Boo works like this ... Go to as many friends as you want and tell them they've been "Boo-ed". Have them link back to your blog to pick up their Halloween Treat (the cute picture) and tell them to "Boo" their friends. Then, put the picture in your side bar so everyone knows that you've already been "Boo-ed" and to send the pic to someone else.

Ready, set, BOO!



Unknown said...

Hello Pat, very intersesting to see Halloween celebrated everywhere. Over here, depending on what race or religion we are, its not celebrated but avoided. Like for the chinese, they have the ghost festival and lots of taboo to be observed. Certainly nothing as fun as what you are experiencing :D Have a creepy halloween hehe :D

steviewren said...

Pat, I'm relieved that your Boo didn't scare me as badly as your scarecrow did. I haven't been to a haunted house in years. I think the last time I did I screamed my head off. Happy Halloween!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Boo! you too:D Happy Halloween Pat! What a great spook walk...I bet it's even scarier at night...wooo...

Lavinia said...

Pat, thanks so much for this spooky fun walk. I would have loved to go on this walk and scare myself silly. I loved reading your seems you really got into the 'spirit' of things! Maybe next year you can take it with your grandson in tow (safely tucked into his baby carriage of course!). Being a baby he'll probably sleep right through it but his prescense will give you added bravery against all those ghouls and vampires...LOL...

Vee said...

Oh my! That did look scary.

Since you're a student of history, have you ever heard of the graveyard tours where wagons full of people are taken through a graveyard? The month of October is perfect timing for this. The wagon makes stops at certain tombs or headstones and a character dressed as that deceased person walks out from behind the stone and gives a brief history lesson. My friend's son participates in these most years away up there in Brandon, Manitoba. It's always sounded so cool to me!

Catherine said...

How very cool! What fun! Glad I stopped by.


Anonymous said...

OOOOOH! You just scared the Bee Jeebers out of me (or however that word is spelled!) What a great Haunted Walk. I hope there were potties there--I'm certain I would have needed one when some of those things jumped out!!!! You took some fab photos!

Loved, loved the baby shower! Aren't you just shaking with excitement? The little nursery looks so darling--that food looked out of this world! Mommy and Daddy were so sweet in the picture!!

That pizza recipe looks yummy. I think I will have pizza on my brain all day!

Hope you have a great HWeen! We're going to visit our 2 1/2 yr old gr. girl. She's gonna be Abby Cadaby from S. Street!


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

What delicious fun! I wish I could take that walk. Probably sans Edward, however.

Anonymous said...

LOL what a giggle Pat for me to watch safely this side of the pond. I think in real life that could've been a tad scarey espcially in the dark.

Well done for being brave and sahring it.

Rue said...

Happy Halloween Pat :)

That is as close as I'll ever get to a haunted walk or house! I would have done more than scream LOL

You are very very brave my friend and I am a big ol' chicken ;)


Barb said...

Hi Pat,

Happy Halloween! What a fun post. I haven't been on a tour like that.

The shower looks like it was a huge success. What a precious couple they make (and soon 3)! I am so excited for you.

About the pizza... Could you please fedex one? My mouth is watering!


Strider said...

Creepy! I hit the corn maze with my youngest daughter last week and we picked out a few pumpkings to carve. We finally got that done last night. Have a great weekend. Strider

November 1st....All Saints Day!

Proud Italian Cook said...

Great tour Pat! How fun, and the weather even looked good too. You have so many neet things always happening around you!

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Hi Pat,

Thanks for taking me on the spooky haunted walk. My husband and I went to the haunted woods & hayride close to our house and we had fun. Of course, we were the oldest ones there!

Have a Happy Halloween!

Willow said...

Wow! That would be really scary in person! The online version was enough for me.

Happy Halloween!

Tara said...


What a vital celebration! Looks like the goblins had fun!

Unknown said...

Hi Pat,
That was a great spooky walk! Your pictures are great...thanks for sharing!

Hope you are having a fun Halloween!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Looks like you had fun! I ended up staying home today. We had lots of trick or treaters so the door was forever going ding dong. It scared me to see how many adults were out there with their bags open saying Trick or Treat! I wanted to say "Isn't this meant to be for kids only". Oh well, guess in hard times you do what you have to do to get candy. LOL

Glad you had fun.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, scary post!! :)

Glennis said...

Wow, what an amazing halloween celebration!! these folks worked very hard to make it a fun time! Thanks for showing us!

Gina said...

Fantastic Pat! Makes me wish Halloween was celebrated here in Oz! Love that tree! Have a wonderful weekend :D