Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pink Good Witch Glinda

If you read my post yesterday for Halloween, you will see I wrote about the annual "Haunted Halloween Walk" that was held last week in a local park near where I live in Brooklyn, New York.
At the very end of the walk appeared the good witch Glinda from the Wizard of OZ!

She was sprinkling all the children who were brave enough to have finished the haunted walk with magic fairy dust and told them they could now go home again.

She was the perfect end to a fun afternoon Halloween celebration!
I hope you all had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN too!

To see more pink posts visit our wonderful host, Beverly, at How Sweet The Sound for the list of all the blogs that are participating today in Pink Saturday!


Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Pat!
The haunted walk was pretty scary!!! But Glinda is always a good sight, you know your safe if she's around!
Happy happy!
Hugs, Sherry

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

What a sweet ending! Hopefully the fairy dusts prevents nightmares;) lol.

Vee said...

Just the thought of Glinda makes me grin. Every time I think of a fifty-something year old lovely works for me.

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

She was always my favorite on the Wizard of Oz, she would sooth your nerves after being scared to death!


Robyn said...

What an original and adorable idea!! Great pics!

Have a fun pink saturday!

Glennis said...

I loved the tour below of the scarey walk. Glinda is not so frightening!

Happy Pink Saturday.

SmilingSally said...

You're a pretty pink witch. Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Good witches are awesome, and Glinda is definitely my favorite of all good witches.

Happy Pink Saturday, dear Pat. Not much longer for that sweet baby to arrive. ;-)

Stephanie said...

I LOVE Glinda the good witch!!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Ah, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.

Strider said...

Have a great weekend. Strider

GMG said...

Hi Pat! Back to the Blogosphere now that Hallowen is over! Great shots!
Meanwhile Blogtrotter is now strolling somewhere around the Holy See of Echmiadzin. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

imjacobsmom said...

Thank goodness for Glinda! Sprinkle away Glinda, sprinkle away! Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

Unknown said...

Hi Pat,
What a great way to end the haunted walk!
Hope you have had a great Pink Saturday in NYC! Is it cold?
Kinda cool here at night, but days are still pretty nice!

Anonymous said...

That Glenda is pretty hilarious! I love it! Happy Pink Saturday!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I loved the haunted tour looks like a lot of fun ( a LOT of work goes in to it! I'm very impressed by it all.). Wasn't the weather here amazing for Halloween?! It was our first year not going to the parade in NYC (it's just gotten soooo crowded) we made our own fun in Asbury Park. We had great fun!

Virginia said...

I Love Glinda the good witch!!
Have a fun & Bless weekend,

Betty said...

Oh my goodness! How fun is that witch!!
Have a wonderful pink weekend!

KatCollects said...

What a great idea for the ending. Happy Pink Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Glenda IS such a Good Witch---and the Pink just proves it!!!

Hope you had a great Pink Sat.. dana

Fifi Flowers said...

That is a very tall pink lady... lol... Happy Pink Saturday... enjoy the rest of the weekend! Fifi

bj said...

Oh, i love love love this pretty pink witch...thanks for sharing her with us...

Anonymous said...

How fun, Pat!



A perfect happy ending! :o)

Tracy said...

Very cute, Pat...heheheh! Hope you had a spooky Halloween weekend :o) ((HUGS))

steviewren said...

What a great way to end the haunted walk, sending the kiddies home with images of Glinda instead of the really scary parts.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had been there! Beautiful Pink Saturday post, Pat!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Pat, I am so glad you came by,,,I see you at Gollum all the time..and I would have not a clue how to walk on stiles..I have a hard time on my own 2 feet walking...hugs and smiles Gloria

Picket said...

Oh my little Sofie would love this!!! She'd skip the haunted walk altogether though! lol lol Hope you have had a beautiful day girl!

Unknown said...

Woo..that's a lot of pink but a FUN post!!! I want to go there Pat !!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a talented woman to be able to walk in such high stilts!

Lovely idea for the children so they can finish the day on such a sweet note. I loved her dress in the film- perfect for a good witch.

Leslie said...

I loved Glinda the good witch!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Joanne Kennedy said...

It's always nice to have someone Kind to send us on our way after all those scary ones have been following us.

Hey, I have an award for you so when you have time stop by my blog and pick it up.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for leaving kind comments on both my Pink Saturday and Marie posts. Your three Halloween posts are just incredible - I love New York City -there is no place like it in the world. Have a wonderful week.

~*~Patty S said...

thanks for sharing such a fun pink post!