(all photos enlarge when clicked on)
I walked over to the Winter Garden on the opposite end of Ground Zero hoping it would have some decorations up too, but it wasn't as yet decorated. The Winter Garden is a 10-story glass-vaulted pavilion on Vesey Street in New York City's World Financial Center. It houses various trees and flowers, restaurants and shops. The rear of the building opens onto the World Financial Center Plaza and the North Cove Yacht Harbor on the Hudson River.
It was severely damaged in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade center and its pedestrian bridge was destroyed. The Winter Garden was the first major structure to be completely restored following the attacks, and reopened on September 17, 2002. The pedestrian bridge was replaced by windows facing the former site of the World Trade Center as you can see in the photo below. This area is the best view of the rebuilding going on in Ground Zero, and the windows usually attract many tourists and New Yorkers who look through them to the construction site.
This is the best view I could get for the beginnings of the "Freedom Tower" or the new One World Trade Center. Construction for the 1,776-foot Freedom Tower began on April 27, 2006. When completed the Freedom Tower will consist of 2.6 million square feet of office space, as well as an observation deck, world-class restaurants, parking, and broadcast and antennae facilities. Below-ground tenant parking and storage, shopping and access to the PATH and subway trains and the World Financial Center will also be provided. Hopefully the economic slowdown will not effect its completion.
Some of the views of Ground Zero from the Winter Garden's panoramic windows.
Another view of the base of The Freedom Tower under construction:
I zoomed my camera view across the Ground Zero construction site towards St. Paul's (photo below), nicknamed "The Little Chapel That Stood," which you can see nestled in the trees. This is the very historic chapel where President George Washington once worshiped, and which was miraculously saved from destruction when the World Trade Center collapsed. It also acted as a resting place for the brave rescue/recovery workers. I blogged about the chapel previously, here.
There was a really interesting exhibit going on in the Winter Garden when I was there called "Canstruction" which is an international charity competition where architects, engineers, contractors and students they mentor, competed to design and build giant structures made entirely from full cans of food. At the close of the competition all of the food from the New York City competition will be donated to City Harvest.
I'll blog those photos next time -- the structures were so imaginative and not to be missed!
I'll blog those photos next time -- the structures were so imaginative and not to be missed!
What a wonderful post, Pat! I just logged on, and this was the first thing I saw. You never disappoint!
Your photographs made me feel as if I were I right there. I'm happy to see the construction on the Freedom Tower and look forward to seeing its completion, and I enjoyed hearing your account of the architectural competition with cans of food to be donated to the homeless. What a magnificent gesture! The Winter Garden and New York are so beautiful, and I never tire of seeing pictures of the City. Thanks for not only sharing your pictures, but your love of all things New York, NY!
You always have the most beautiful photos! I really should make it a point to go into the city more often. New Jersey is so close.
What a great trip, you always show the best things so I know what to do when I get in there to visit my son!
I always enjoy your photos and information you provide on NYC.
I hope to get to see some of this stuff in the next few months!
From your and PAZ pictures I learn more about New York. My husband often said, let me take you to New York, you'll love the City.
But I always hesitatet, thought the City is too big, too many people and ...
Thank you for letting me see New York through your eyes.
I am sure next year I'll come for a week long visit.
- Cheers Gisela.
I really enjoyed this.
Hi Pat, LOVE your new blog header. Very cool! You're right. :) I'm going to think positive about our upcoming move. I'm finally going to see two of the most amazing cities in the US. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos and history. ~Melissa :)
Beautiful music choice for this post. Thank you for sharing the photos and the music.
I'm going to be in New York in February and I am so excited. Thanks for your pictures of Ground Zero and your information on the area. I especially love the little church nestled in the trees.
Pat, you have the greatest pictures. I love that Atrium. It looks like the most beautiful place. Thanks for always sharing your tours of New York. I love it!
Thank you for posting this. The Winter Garden looks like an amazing place to visit and I am so glad you were able to post photos of the construction that is going on at Ground Zero. I may never get to New York, but I can 'see' it through your photos.
Thanks for letting me tour NYC with you.
Very interesting post as usual. Your pictures of the Winter Garden are fantastic.
I've been thinking of you and your upcoming happy event. It won't be long now! Best Wishes to everyone.
Dear Pat, thanks for stopping by our blog. I just had a quick look at yours - great posts and great photos too! It brings back great memories of New York at Christmas; in my opinion the best city in the world at this time of year.
Good luck with the run-up to the 25th, sounds like you've got an exciting December ahead with that handsome Grandson of yours!
all the best
Hi Pat...Thanks for the tour and info, especially for those of us who live so far from NYC...BTW, my computer is sooo sick...I've got to try to find somebody to fix it...so if I'm missing in action, you'll know why...I'm using my DH's acc't. to post this...Oh the misery! ;-) Bo
Very exciting pictoral post, Pat! I'm loving that Winter Garden...And it is great seeing what's taking shape at Ground Zero. Thanks for taking us there! ((HUGS))
Wonderful new header! Just love it!
I'm calling John in here and we're going to read this one together. I know that he will enjoy this post as much as I have.
Yup, he did. I knew it. He took particular note of the pile drivers, the unprotected rebar, and the toilets being raised into position. :D He was properly amazed at the story of St. Paul's. As an added bonus, he enjoyed seeing the caramel cake, too.
Good morning Pat,
I always love reading your posts about Manhattan. There are so many wonderful things to see and do. If I lived there I think I would just spend my time wondering around all day.
xo Cori
Thank you so much for this post and the wonderful documentation your pictures create. The Wintergarden is beautiful and I am as touched by the story of "The Little Chapel" as I was on Sept.11.
The Winter Garden looks like a fabulous place! I would love to visit there.
And thanks for sharing the photos of the Freedom Tower. Always interesting.
Isn't it just wonderful when the Christmas decorations start to appear in December! Magic!
Thanks for taking us along to the Winter Garden...and your wonderful commentary!
I love your new header! It's time to decorate my blog for the season...one of these days!
Can you believe im around 20 minutes from there, and NEVER seen the tree????
The Winter Garden building is beautiful! I feel better not having my Christmas decorations up yet...now that I know they don't either. lol.
Winter Garden Atrium looks like a wonderful place to visit and reflect. Those pics of ground zero are encouraging. Nice to see something rising from the destruction! xoxox
Cheers, Shelagh
Thank you, Pat, for that terrific post. I enjoyed the information you shared and the great photos. I did not know the Atrium had been attached to the World Trade Center. What a bittersweet view of the building activing going on in the area where those buildings once stood. It was great to see the little Church that I've seen so many times on TV since the attack.
You always share the most informative things, Pat. Thank you! Dana
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