Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Autumn Splendor ~ A Tag ~ Two Awards!

If you read my blog a few weeks ago you saw a post I wrote about the park I walk in each morning with friends. The trees were still very green then, but as you can see from these photos autumn splendor has arrived and painted the leaves shades of orange, red and gold.

There was a little mist in the air this morning, but the colors were still brightly ablaze!

The squirrels were busy collecting acorns for the winter and the birds were all chirpy and happy in the trees as they took a rest.

It really is a beautiful time of the year -- my favorite season which seems to flee all too quickly!

If you look closely below (or click on and enlarge the photo) you can see a flock of geese in the sky!
My area of Brooklyn, NY is along the eastern seaboard migration route, and we see the geese both spring and fall as they migrate north and south with the seasons.

They will rest on the grass and make quite a chatter as they look for their breakfast.


Camille @ Rtemis, a very nice blogger I met through the Daring Bakers monthly challenge, and who makes the most delicious baked goods, tagged me to tell "Seven Random Things" about myself. I've done this tag twice before so it took me a few days to come up with some new things -- hope you aren't bored by them!

1. I have some house plants that I've had over 35 years -- no kidding! I bought a few to decorate my window sill when I lived in a dorm in nursing school, and they are still alive and well!

2. I'm a thyroid cancer survivor, so I urge everyone to not neglect neck lumps or swellings or irregular thyroid function blood tests. It is one of the most curable cancers if found early!

3. I love "talk" radio and usually that is what I listen to when I drive.

4. I dream a lot when I sleep, and remember a lot of them, but luckily I rarely have a nightmare.

5. I'd love to buy a house in Denver, CO so I'd be close to my future grandchild as he grows up....dreams .... dreams!

6. I love to cook, and I have at least a hundred cookbooks! I read and enjoy them like novels.

7. I've visited 30 states, and hope to be able to one day say I've seen all 50!

Here are the rules for tagging:

Link to my blog (tagger) on your blog.
Give seven facts about yourself.
Tag another seven blogs by leaving a comment on their blog and letting them know they were tagged and listing them (and their blogs) on your blog.
I know this tag has been passed around quite a few times so does anyone want to do it again? Please let me know if you do!
In the meantime, I'm tagging Kathy @ Casa Dolce Casa and
Michele @ My Italian Grandmother!

Joanne @ My Little Cottage In The Making gave me this beautiful "Lovely Lady"award that she made herself!

Joanne said that this award doesn't have any real rules to follow other then to pass it on to some of the lovely ladies you have come across. Thanks Joanne! Joanne is one of the most prolific bloggers that I know, and she always has wonderful posts about such a variety of subjects, great decorating and craft ideas, plus she is a suburb and talented cake artist!

I've met so many lovely ladies through blogging that it is hard to choose just a few, but I'd like to give this award to a few lovely ladies that I've met recently...... Nola @ Alamo North, Pammiejo @ Pammiejo and Friends, Rhonda @ Rhonda Hartis Smith, and Laura @ Shorehouse Chic.

Please visit all these lovely ladies blogs if you don't already and you will be glad you did!

Next, Nola @ Alamo North gave me the Marie Antoinette award! Nola lives in, and writes about her life in Texas, and she is a wonderfully warm lovely lady with lots of good humor that will make you smile!

Here are the Rules for the Award:

1. Please put the logo on your blog

2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award

3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs

4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog

5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them

So please accept this special award-- Nanatrish @ Nana's Living The Dream, Lavinia @ The Birdbath Chronicles, Steviewren @ a little birdie told me so, Pamela Terry @ From The House of Edward, Melanie @ JellyBeanangel,Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage, Tara @ Days Missed On A Hammock, and Diane@ A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!

Enjoy, and please pass it on!
"We are shaped and fashioned by what we love" ~ Goethe


Unknown said...

Thanks so much Pat for the award! And congratulations on yours!

I'll probably do a post on Sunday with it!

Your autumn pictures are awesome. Our trees are turning here, but they don't put on the show that yours do there!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

A lovely walk at any time of year! Congrats on all your well deserved awards! Always fun to know more about you:D

Picket said...

Congrats on the awards are so deserving of them and many more...I love coming by your just makes me smile and even takes my breath sometimes as I ohhh and ahhh over your beautiful pictures...loved all those answers girl..a houseplant for 35 years...girl I have never got one to live more than 35 days for me!!! lol lol I dream all the time and in color too! lol If that is some sort of sign of mental breakdown..please don't shine a light in my darkness just let me go on believing it is a sign of genius! lol lol

Camille said...

Congrats on your awards and a big congrats for keeping those houseplants alive for this long!

Wow...I am impressed. I am an avid gardener and have a green thumb out of doors, but for some reason, house plants and me, we don't get along.

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Thanks you very much for the award--I feel so honored and such a nice one! I've really enjoyed getting to know you! I have received so many positive comments since I've been blogging.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your fall colors are beautiful! It was great to learn a little more about you too! Congrats on the awards..

steviewren said...

Thank you Pat for the Marie Antoinette award. I think you are one of the most genuinely nice people I have had the pleasure of meeting online. I hope you make it to Alabama one day (cause I know it's one state not on your list yet) and that we can meet while you are here.

I'm impressed that you have plants that are 35 years old. I listen to talk radio too, anytime I'm not listening to a book on CD.

Strider said...

Boy, there are sure a lot of leaves still on the trees for this time of year. I assume it has been a mild fall where you're at. Nice post.

Tara said...

Aw, thanks, Pat! I'll gladly share this!Your awards are well deserved!I also love to read cookbooks as novels! And you have been to 30 think about it, I have not been of the Eastern seaboard!

Nola said...

I loved reading the things about you; we share a similar love of cookbooks. Thanks for the award, it'll take me a day or two to get it posted!

Melissa Miller said...

Stunning colors and photography skills! You are so lucky to live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Congrats on all the awards! Thanks for the reminder on TC. My husband had a lump earlier this year and it was tested. He's fine. Happy to hear you are doing so well. ~Take Care. Melissa

Michele said...

Hey, I was just reading your blog and saw this. Congratulations! Now, I feel silly asking this buuut....was that me you tagged? I wasn't sure since my blog's name is similar to what you wrote and the link didn't work. So, i'm thinking it may be me but you just wrote the wrong name, It's My Italian Grandmother. But I may be making a total fool of myself if you meant it for another Michele! LOL

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

I love the Autumn photos...our leaves seem to be falling more than turning color. Shame.

Anonymous said...

YOUR post looks like mine today! I finally played your Photo Tag today---along with other tags, etc. that I had let pile up!

I did not know you are a Thyroid Cancer Survivor! Congrats for that, Pat. My dear friend is scheduled to have her thyroid removed the 12th. It's a tough story for her--lots of health and financial issues. I pray she is OK, too. I know it is a very common issue and very treatable when caught early.
Hope your week has been great. I loved your Autumn photos. Our trees are dropping their leaves like crazy and the temps are dropping. It's OK cuz I have three Chrismas Open Houses to go to this weekend. (shops) I can hardly wait!
L, Dana

Donna said...

Wow, the fall color is gorgeous! I would love to stroll through that park.

Congrats on your awards! Well deserved.


Darius T. Williams said...

Oh - those pics looks great...I'm loving them!


Anonymous said...

I love the autumn colors and the fact that you can see the geese.

Enjoyed your list. Congrats on your awards!


Anonymous said...

I love the autumn colors and the fact that you can see the geese.

Enjoyed your list. Congrats on your awards!


Susie Q said...

What a beautiful place...and the Autumn color just adds to that beauty!
Your awards are so well deserved. I must hop over and visit those you passed this sweet award on to!

I loved the list as I really enjoy learning new things about my blogging friends!


Unknown said...

Oh Pat, those Autumn pictures are beautiful, as you know we dont have such season here. Love your tag and you are a brave person.Congrats on your beautiful award :D

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Pat!
The autumn leaves are so beautiful! I always love the colors, just wish it lasted longer.
Congrats on your awards! You certainly deserve every award that has been made for blogging!!
Big hugs, Sherry

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

What beautiful fall photos! I love this time of year.

Laura at Shorehouse Chic is one of my favorite bloggers. Many of the ones you mentioned are new to me, though, so I'll have to go check them out! It's always fun to discover new blogs.

Have a wonderful weekend!
-Julia :-)

Louise said...

Whoever planted those trees did a very good job, they look amazing, especially so at this time of year. Congratulations Pat on your two awards, you have quite a collection now and deservedly so. x

Joanne Kennedy said...

What beautiful trees! How I wish I had some place like that near me.

Again, New York wins out over CA.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your awards Pat. You work so hard on your blog, so they are well deserved.

We too on the West coast of England are on the migratory route. At dusk the horizon is full of v formation pink footed geese. It's spectacular but I've not got a pic yet.

Love the rich reds of your trees. beautiful!

Vee said...

The colors of New York are just wonderful and what fun to see all the geese there.

Congrats on your awards...most well deserved. You are a truly lovely lady...that one is so pretty.

Jojo said...

Such beautiful scenes of fall. Just gorgeous.

Just A Girl said...

Good morning Pat,

The pictures of your walking spot are so breath taking! If I had someplace like that to walk I'd be up and out early every morning. So gorgeous! When hubby and I were dating I told him that I've only been skinny twice in my life and both times I lived in San Diego...take me out of S.D. and I'll become "Fluffy" again... lol!
Lovely awards for a lovely lady (that's you) and cudo's to Joanne for such a cute award!

I still have your email in my "draft box" and hope I'll have time to get around to it today.

Have a wonderful Sunday,
xo Cori