Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day!

With malice towards none;
With charity for all;
With firmness in the right,
As God gives us to see the right,
Let us strive on to finish
The work we are in;
To bind up the nation's wounds;
To care for him who shall have
Borne the battle,
And for his widow,
And his orphan -
To do all which may achieve and
Cherish a just and lasting peace
Among ourselves,
And with all nations.
~ President Abraham Lincoln
From his second Inaugural Address
March 4, 1865


Anonymous said...

Love the Veteran's Day tribute...thank you!!

Catherine said...

Very nice tribute. You can`t do better than Lincoln!

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Pat :)

Nola said...

Thanks for the Veteran's Day post. And thanks to all the veterans out there!

Tara said...

Graet tribute, Pat!

Rue said...

Hey! We have the same pic Pat!! LOL

Great tribute my sweet friend :)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful tribute Pat! Thanks to our veterans and all those still serving our country.

Unknown said...

Hi Pat,
This is a great Veteran's Day post!

Thanks for sharing.

Darius T. Williams said...

YES! Happy Veterans day to all!

nanatrish said...

Sweet tribute! Please drop over to my blog I have something for you. We are so blessed in our country and we have had so many dedicated people to fight for our freedoms.

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Thanks for the wonderful tribute to our Veterans, my Dad is a retired Navy man. He was always involved in the VFW, American Legion, putting flags on soldiers graves on Memorial Day--a very patriotic man.