Friday, December 12, 2008

He's Here!

Our sweet grandson was born today! Meet my grandson!

December 12, 2008
10:39 AM Mountain Time
7 pounds 15 ounces
19 3/4 inches long

Mother, Dad and baby are all doing fine!

The four Grandparents are estatic, and very relieved our long wait is over with a healthy happy outcome. The maternal grandparents will be visiting in Denver this week, and we will be visiting for Christmas.

The two first time Aunts are joyful for a little nephew to love and proud that their siblings became parents today.

Baby is very healthy, alert and calm. He will be much loved and is the very best Christmas gift for us all!

Thank you so much for all your prayers and well wishes!


Susie Q said...

I a so thrilled for you all!
He is beautiful and what a joy for you to spend Christmas with him and his parents! I know your heart s so full right now...bless you all!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

Hip-hip-hooray! This is wonderful news! And what a cutie he is. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. I can't think of a better Christmas gift than that. :-)

Willow said...

Congratulations, Grandma!!!!!

Welcome, little Leo!!!!!

Melissa Miller said...

What a gorgeous baby boy! The greatest gift of all. Congrats! :)

Marg said...

How exciting as we have all waited for this day to arrive.
God's blessings to all of you.

Proud Italian Cook said...

What an absolute doll! Congratulations Gramma! This is the best present of all!!

Vee said...

Congratulations! Leo seems to know that he's been born into a great family. Look at that sweet face!

Blessings and hugs...

Lorrie said...

Congratulations, what a sweet boy--enjoy this very special Christmas gift!

Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

Congrats on the birth of Leo, he is so prescious! What do yo want to be called? Grandma? Nana? I'm sure anything he says will be just fine!


Just A Girl said...

OH Pat he is so BEAUTIFUL! You must be so excited to finally meet him after all this time. He is the best Christmas gift!

Lots of love,

Unknown said...

Congratulations Pat! He sure is a handsome little fellow! And so healthy looking!

What a blessing for all of you!


Kathy said...

Oh Pat Leo is adorable, I bet now you cannot wait to hold him,glad to hear everyone is doing well, you really are all going to have the very best Christmas. I am so happy for you and grandpa, big hugs to you and little Leo, Kathy.

Unknown said...

CONGRATS GRANDMA PAT!!! How exciting to have a new addition to the family and welcome baby Leo :D

Unknown said...

..and yes...and the BEST Christmas present for you..big hugs to all :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats! It's also so great getting a new grandbaby. I have four and love them to pieces.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT! I just happened to come on here and see this! Oh, he is GORGEOUS! Congratulations and welcome to little Leo! I love his name! He's a precious baby, and I know you must be thrilled and relieved. I'm SO happy for all of you! Praise God for this miracle of this new little life!

Much love,

Sheila :-)

Judy said...

Congratulations, Grammy. What a wonderful Christmas present...he is beautiful!

Many blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

Huge congratulations Pat! loads of best wishes to your daughter in law and son too.

I know you are going to have a Merry Little Christmas from now on. :-)

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Auguri!!!!!!!!!! He's gorgeous! What a great Christmas present :)

Catherine said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations and bless you all!


Anonymous said...

Pat, congratulations , you are a grandma!!! I am so happy for all of you. What a special time in your lives. Such a beautiful baby.

Have a blessed and wonderful Christmas.

Love Jeanne

Gina said...

Oh Leo is adorable! Congrats to everyone!!..what an extra special Christmas this will be! Gxox

Tracy said...

HOORAY!! Leo is here at last! Isn't he beautiful...So glad all is well with mom, dad and baby...and that the love fest has begun! What a splendid gift for this season. So very happy and rejoicing with you all,Pat! Oh, happy day! When you can give Leo a kiss from me. :o) Blessing to you all and Happy Holiday! ((HUGS))

Rosie's Whimsy said...

He is so handsome!!

Congratulations to all. A wonderful gift for this Holiday season.


Bo said...

Hello Pat....Hallelujah, your little blessing has arrived! He is so pretty or should I say habdsome!
He knew exactly when his time of arrival was just right...all the best to mom, dad, Leo, and alll of the grandparents! ;-) Bo

Jojo said...

He is beautiful. Congratulations to all and Welcome, little Leo, to this wonderful world.

steviewren said...

He's a beautiful baby! I've checked your blog everyday since I've been in Texas waiting for your news. Leo the little Prince has been born! Congratulations to the happy family. God has sent you a wonderful Christmas gift.

by Danie said...

So BEAUTIFUL, I'm very happy for you, for your family, happy parents and grand parents, He is such a marvellous little boy, his name is very nice too. Congratulation, felicitations, from the bottom of my heart, lovely news like this one is a joy for the world.

pammiejo said...

A Christmas present - just like so long ago! Congratulations - your "motherhood" just expanded again - one more person to add to your worry list! I'm amazed how those old-fashioned names are returning. I had a great-uncle Leo - always liked him! Enjoy the babyhood - it doesn't last very long! Enjoy your "grandmother-hood"! PAM

Nola said...

Congrats! He is beautiful; aren't babies amazing, so perfect and wonderful? Enjoy your beautiful little boy.

CatHerder said...

OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is going to be the best Christmas ever!

aliceinparis said...

Welcome Leo:)
You must be beside yourself with excitement.What a lovely Christmas it is going to be:)
Cheers, Shelagh

Anonymous said...

Yay! He's gorgeous! God Bless! Welcome to the world, little one :)

Donna said...

Congratulations! And welcome to the world, little Leo!

He's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Pat. Leo is an exquisite gift from God. I started crying as soon as I saw that sweet face appear on my screen.

God is so good to bring this sweet babe to such a loving family.

Your lives will forever be blessed with this new love.

Donna said...

Happy birth day little Leo!!!!! Oh my gosh, Pat - he is GORGEOUS!!!! You are going to have such an extra special Christmas this year!!!!!! Give my congratulations to the proud parents!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

Strider said...

Welcome to the world of Grandparenting!!! It is wonderful. Bill Cosby said it best when he over heard one of his married children tell their child.....those are not the same people who raised me!!!! Blessings my friend. He looks like quite a little man. Our grandsons will be visiting us on Christmas. I can't wait to have little hand prints all over the house!!!!!

Tara said...

Oh, Pat! How wonderful for you! And I think I see a bit of his grandmother in his face! Leo is a very cool name and I wish you, the Aunts, all grandparents and the new parents joy with him! Yeah!

Now, Leo, get ready...your Grandmother is going to take you all over Manhattan!


Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Oh! Welcome to the world little Leo!! May your life be filled with love, health and happiness!! Will you past my good wishes along to him for me Pat?

He is just perfect!!! What a wonderful early Christmas present! Congratulations all round!

Cynthia said...

Oh, little Leo is the perfect gift for your family! Congratulations to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations dear Pat! Your life has changed forever. Grandchildren are the best!

I know you already love and enjoy, your beautiful baby boy!

Betsy Brock said...

What a cutie! He's finally here! I thought he was going to try to be a Christmas baby! tee-hee! My Taylor weighed 7.15, too! :)

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your new grandbaby..


Anonymous said...

Awww! So precious-looking! Congratulations to you and the family!


Anonymous said...

Oh how THRILLING!!!!

This is first time I've had to check blogs for a couple of days--I was so excited to see your great news!
What a lucky little "Slugger" that Leo is---to have so many people so eager for him to make his way in to their arms!!
Congrats to you, Pat!!!

L, Dana

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh Pat! He is beautiful! Don't you just love to look at him and wonder what he will grow up to be like. I bet you are going crazy waiting to get there to hold him.

He is so so sweet. Glad to hear everyone is doing well.


a woman who is said...

Hi Pat, I have seen you around on a few blogs I visit. I just had to drop by and say Congratulations!!! I couldn't help but hear the joy in your heart coming across blogland. So very happy for you.

A woman who is

Edie Marie's Attic said...

I'm so excited and happy for you and your family! Now the fun begins. This will be your merriest Christmas ever Pat!!
Big holiday Grandma hugs, Sherry

Naz said...

Congratulations!!!! December 12th is a fabulous day to be born. My father's birthday was December 12, as well as Frank Sinatra's.
I'm so happy for you and your family.

Linda Lou said...

What a little doll!! And an early Christmas present for you!! Congratulations Grandma!

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Pat,

How's the new grandson doing? He is a doll. :)

I have passed on the Christmas Spirit award to you! When you have a moment come by.

~Melissa :)

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Wonderful, wonderful news! Congratulations to the parents, grandparents, and all of baby Leo's relatives. He is the best gift you could have hoped for. I am happy for you.
♥, Susan

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Oh, happy day, happy baby!
Leo is a wonderful name for the little fellow! Best of wishes to all!

Sue said...

Congratulations Pat and family!!! Little Leo is beautiful...what a wonderful gift for Christmas...God bless you all....

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

Pat, I am so happy for you! He is a gorgeous baby. He has a very strong wonderful name. I am so happy for you guys. This will be a Christmas you will never forget. My granddaughter has given me so much joy and I'm sure Leo will do the same for you! I'm so happy everyone is doing well. Praise the Lord!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

OH YAY!!! And he's *still* sleeping, LOL. ;-) I've been with my mom and as soon as I got back to my computer you're the first visit I made. I am over the moon excited for all of you...little Leo is just adorable!

Merry Christmas, indeed!
xo, Laura

Darius T. Williams said...

Wow - he's a cutie! Congrats!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new grandson and have a wonderful Christmas.

Mrs. B said...

Congratulations Pat! I'm so very happy for you. I'm sorry this congratulatory wish didn't come sooner. I've been hesitant about returning to blogland, but your message about your grandson was just what I needed to return. He's absolutely beautiful! You and your hubby look so happy in the pictures with him from Christmas. What a wonderful early Christmas present! Congratulations again, to all of you. I'm sure that beautiful baby is surrounded by lots of love!

Mrs. B

GardenOfDaisies said...

Your grandson M shares a birthday with my great niece C. :-) Two perfect and beautiful babies born on the same day!