The Cathedral initial construction was begun in 1858 by Archbishop John Hughes to replace the original St. Patrick's Cathedral, which is used today as a parish church in New York. The cornerstone was laid in August of that year, and, after a suspension of work during the years of Civil War, John Cardinal McCloskey, the first American Cardinal, resumed work in 1865, and the doors were opened for worship in May, 1879.
It is a wonderful place to visit, no matter what your religion, to see its beautiful architecture, stained glass, works of statuary art, and as a place for quiet meditation and reflection in a busy city.
Its poignant Pieta statue of the deceased Christ being held by his mother Mary is three times larger than the Pieta in St. Peter's, Rome.

Besides daily Masses and devotions the Cathedral has many concerts, and choir and organ music programs held throughout the year, and most of them have general seating which is free. Check the music link to find the schedule of events.
To see hundreds of fabulous detailed photos of the cathedral's interior and exterior check this Webshots link, and also this Flickr link.
In this busy season may we remember the true meaning of Christmas -- the miracle of Jesus' humble birth and His gift of our salvation.
Some interesting acts from the cathedral's website:
"The Cathedral seats about 2,200 people.
The exterior length is about 405 feet; the width is 274 feet.
The spires rise 330 feet from street level.
The architect was James Renwick, an American. The Lady Chapel was designed by another American, Charles Mathews.
The St. Michael and St. Louis altar was designed by Tiffany and Company. The St. Elizabeth altar was designed by Paolo Medici of Rome.
The Archbishops of New York are buried in a crypt under the high altar. Their honorary hats, called galeros, hang from the ceiling over their tombs.
The Stations of the Cross are works of art which won first prize at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893.
The Cathedral has three organs.
The baldachin over the main altar is solid bronze.
Each year over 3 million people visit St. Patrick's Cathedral "
The exterior length is about 405 feet; the width is 274 feet.
The spires rise 330 feet from street level.
The architect was James Renwick, an American. The Lady Chapel was designed by another American, Charles Mathews.
The St. Michael and St. Louis altar was designed by Tiffany and Company. The St. Elizabeth altar was designed by Paolo Medici of Rome.
The Archbishops of New York are buried in a crypt under the high altar. Their honorary hats, called galeros, hang from the ceiling over their tombs.
The Stations of the Cross are works of art which won first prize at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893.
The Cathedral has three organs.
The baldachin over the main altar is solid bronze.
Each year over 3 million people visit St. Patrick's Cathedral "
Besides daily Masses and devotions the Cathedral has many concerts, and choir and organ music programs held throughout the year, and most of them have general seating which is free. Check the music link to find the schedule of events.
At Christmas the beautiful, almost life size, Nativity Creche brings a feeling of peace and devotion. The crib remains empty until Christmas midnight Mass.
At that time the cathedral is also bedecked with hundreds of red poinsettia plants and wreaths of evergreen in beautiful homage to the celebration of birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
In this busy season may we remember the true meaning of Christmas -- the miracle of Jesus' humble birth and His gift of our salvation.
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." Iasiah 9:6
Hello everyone!
Thanks so much for leaving a comment.
My daughter-in-law is in labor and today we hope our little grandson will be born.
Please keep us all in your prayers as we await the happy moment of his birth.
As soon as I can I'll post the news and some photos.
As you can imagine I'm very distracted,and excited, so if I don't visit your blog or answer your comments right away please forgive me, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can!
Thanks so much!
Love and hugs, Pat
oh Pat, I am so excited!, your little lad is on his way, I am praying for a quick and safe delivery for your DIL. Cannot wait to meet the little guy!. big hugs, Kathy
I have always wanted to visit that cathedral! Hooray he is almost here!!!! Best wishes for a safe and easy delivery and a healthy baby:)
That is the BEST news! I'll be praying for her today and for the baby and your whole family!
And thank you for posting the photos of St Patrick's and the verse from Isaiah. One of my favorites--our Prince of Peace!
That is the BEST news! I'll be praying for her today and for the baby and your whole family!
And thank you for posting the photos of St Patrick's and the verse from Isaiah. One of my favorites--our Prince of Peace!
Ooh how exciting! Can't wait for the news!
Also, I love visiting St Patrick's Cathedral. I'm not super-religious, but there's something so calming and peaceful about it, and of course, beautiful.
Exciting news...I will be thinking of you and keeping you all in my prayers today. Distracted...with good reason!
The cathedrqal is beautiful...reminds me of the wonderful European cathedrals.
Came back to look at this wonderful cathedral Pat, (was to excited before when you said the baby was on his way) it's stunning and it reminds me of Lincoln Cathedral. just beautiful.
Oh happy day! I just said a prayer for all! Glorius news, Pat!
I also love the photos of St. Patrick. I remember seeing it for the first time and thinking how beautiful it was. I've also been to St. Thomas and love the altar there!
Sheila... I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to hear! :-)
Oh yay! So wonderful to know that your grandson is on his way. Keeping you all in prayer.
I very much enjoyed the tour of Saint Patrick's Cathedral and the history, too. It would be a thrill to be able to visit there one day.
Thanks for the reminder...I needed it! The church is beautiful!!
Oh!!!! I just saw your comment over there...Hooray...he's finally on his way!!
I'll look at the cathedral in a minute, but first I just want to say..... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(((big giant hugs and much love))))
Hi Pat,
Hope you get some good news soon...I am so happy for you. Guess it is hard to be so far away.
The Cathedral pictures are awesome! Thank you for sharing.
The Cathedral is gorgeous! I passed by it, but didn't have time to go in. One day I will ;)
There is something about these old churches in all their finery this time of year that really feels good! Another good post. Have a good weekend. Strider
These are lovley photos .Thanks for sharing the. Heres hoping everyone is healthy and happy.
What a marvelous post. We will be waiting for news of your grandson.
When you have time, please stop by and pick up a little surprise I left for you on today's post.
Hi Pat
WOW--in labor! So excited for you! Saint Pat's cathedral is so awesome the pics can't even do it justice!
Looking forward to hearing your good news!
Pat dear, that's a absolutely beautiful cathedral and I would love to pop in there. Everytime I see you blog update, my heart skip a beat..thinking if it's time and then i read your first comment. exciting..I say a prayer for them and dont worry so much, everything will turn up just perfect. Much love to you and everyone else, esp the new baby :)
The baby is coming soon! The baby is coming soon!!!
wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. wow, a new yorker! thanks for sharing your city with us. I would love to go there one day. I am from London originally myself but far from it now.
Wonderful photos of the cathedral.
Hi daughter always wanted to get married in the chapel at St. Patricks...when she moved to Manhattan she moved 2 blocks away on 50th.@2nd. and was so excited to go over to the church and become a member in anticipation of getting married in the future......they refused her!! Yes, we are Catholic, no she didn't qualify to join because she lived on the wrong side of 2nd.Ave. They sent her away to a church down on 1st.Ave. that was inside an office building..Needless to say when it was time for the wedding she became a member of St. Barts on Park and they gladly welcomed her with open arms.....
Hi Sue!
Yes I heard it is very hard to get married in St. Patrick's -- it is not a "parish" church but a cathedral of the archdiocese, so they have the right to refuse a marriage ceremony and refer you to the parish church. In their defense I'm sure every NYC bride would want her wedding to take place there, and the waiting list would be years long. They may make exceptions now and then but I don't know how those exceptions are chosen -- maybe a lottery?
I have a few questions. I love the saint patrick's cathedral and i was wondering do you know how much it would be if some one wanted to have a wedding there? is there a fee or do you just have to do a donation?
Jazzy it is my understanding that Saint Patrick's Cathedral has a long waiting list for weddings. It is a very popular church. I suggest you call or write to the rectory and ask for information.
Saint Patrick's Cathedral
460 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022-6863
(212) 753-2261
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