The photo above is one I took of the 2007 tree. Hopefully I'll get some photos of this year's tree soon!
The tradition of having a tree began during the Depression-era construction of Rockefeller Center, in 1931, when workers decorated a small balsam fir tree at Christmas. The annual tree, usually a Norway Spruce, is 75 to 90 feet tall, and has been decorated with was illuminated with 30,000 energy-efficient LED lights.
One invited family from Mississippi looked on with special interest at the tree lighting ceremony last night. They lost their home to Hurricane Katrina, but they now they have a new home built by Habitat for Humanity with lumber from last year's tree! Lumber from this year's tree will also be donated to Habitat for Humanity --a wonderful new tradition and a wonderful way to recycle a beautiful tree!
Sheila, of The Quintessential Magpie blog very kindly awarded me with the "I'm Loving Your Blog" award. Thanks so much Sheila!
Sheila's blog is a warm and cozy place full of the interesting collections that she owns and her beautiful decorating style in her home.

Trish, of Nana's Living The Dream blog tagged me with the very enduring "7 Random Things About Yourself" tag.
I think Trish is trying to help distract me from worrying about my little grandson being past his birth due date -- isn't that right Trish? Trish has a beautiful grand daughter named Avery, and they do the nicest things together. She knows how much I'm looking forward to becoming a grandmother too!
I've already done this tag a few times, so I'll put a new spin on it by this time by naming my seven favorite movies:
1.) Casablanca -- I had a crush on Humphrey Bogart when I was in high school and watched almost every movie he made, and this is my favorite. "Here's looking at you, kid"
2) Moonstruck -- Starring Cher and Nicolas Cage. A romantic comedy revolving around Italian Americans living in Brooklyn, NY --I saw so many familiar people and places in this movie, or at least it felt that way!
3) Cinema Paradiso -- An Italian film I saw with English subtitles. The charming story takes place in a small town in post WWII Italy, about an fatherless boy and a movie film projectionist who befriends him. I can never watch this without tearing up. It is a very sweet story.
4) Amelie --French with English subtitles. The actress, Audrey Tautou, who played Amelie was so expressive and delightful, and the movie was full of visual surprises.
5) The Ghost and Mrs. Muir -- made in 1947 starring Rex Harrison and Gene Tierney. I loved this romantic movie as a child, and still do! I've always wanted a house on a cliff overlooking the ocaen like Mrs. Muir.
6) The In-Laws -- The 1979 version starring Peter Falk and Alan Arkin. A family favorite! No matter how many times we watch this zany comedy we never fail to laugh!
7) Life Is Beautiful -- Italian with English subtitles. Stars Roberto Benigni. This film is an unforgettable lesson on how love, family, humor and imagination conquers all adversities.
Of course there are many more movies which I wouldn't mind watching over and over as favorites, but I believe these are my top 7!
I know what a busy time of the year this is so I don't want to tag anyone who is busy with holiday preparations, but I'd be interested to know what your top seven movies are, so please let me know if you blog about them!
Thanks everyone for all your support and kindness as I wait, and wait, and wait!
Hi Pat!
When I saw the lighting of the tree in Rockefeller Center on the news---my first thoughts went to you and wondering if you were there! I recall being in that area a few years ago with my buddies. Even though it was Aug., I wondered how amazing that spot would be come Dec.!!
I won't blog about my 7 favorite movies, but I will rattle some off to you!
1. the orignal "Scrooge" with Alistar Cooke! (the first scarey movie I remember watching!--it still spooks me!)
2. "My Fair Lady" with Audrey Hepburn. (I was a SR in HS when I saw this--I thought it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen in my life!)
3. "The Exorist" with Linda Blair (I hadn't been married too long before this one came out--I'd already read the book, but the movie scared the bee-jeebers out of me--and still does!)
4. "Double Jeoprody" with Ashley Judd. (I love the "gettin even" idea of this show).
5. "Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou" with George Clooney. (I just laugh like a fool every time I see Geo. and his co-stars picking and grinning in this one. George maintains his "hunkiness" even in overalls and a fake beard!)
6. "Ladykillers" with Tom Hanks (actually this is my hubby's fav. movie--he laughs until he cries every single time he watches this.)
7. "Mamma Mia" with Meryl Streep!!! (Meryl is such a role model for all of us!!!!)
As you can tell, I don't care for really "deep" movies--I want to escape and be entertained!
Hope you get your news soon! Dana
Just checking in on you...I guess I'll have to be content with your movie listings for today!
I see there are still lots of movies for me to watch. I really enjoyed Life is Beautiful as well. Thanks for sharing!
Hia Pat, I think your grandson is like the watched kettle which never boils. LOL Seriously though, 1st babies are notoriously tardy. I still have no sense of decent timing! LOL My 1st was 15 days late but there were no problems so the medical staff weren't worried.
Ok 7 fav films:
The Amazing Mr Blunden 1970s
Box of Delights 1980s
Portrait of Jennie 1948
The Scent of Green Papaya (sub)
5 Children and It
Nanny McFee
Pirates of the Caribbean (ahh Depp!)
Most are children's films because cinema is more geared towards men. I suppose they figure that a woman will always accompany a man to see his sort of film, whereas a man wont necessarily go with a woman to see a female film. Having said that the girlie films in the UK are literally that- teen flicks not aimed at mature women at all.
I am currently a 1-woman boycot of films I don't particularly want to see. If all women behaved the same maybe we'd get films of interest to us?
Ahem.. how did that soap box get there? Quickly kicks it away.
Hello Pat, firstly love the picture of you and hubby, AND I LOVE that Xmas must be so amazing standing under that tree. I want to go there and experience Xmas in the cold :) We have imported real trees here too, but nothing that big..and ours are covered with cotton..signifying snow hehe..
Pat, I loved the story about the tree from last year going to help rebuild the people's home destoryed in Katrina. That's so special! And congrautlations on your award. You deserve it because you have a lovely blog! :-)
I enjoyed reading your movie choices. I would have to say the following:
1. "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" -- what a wonderful story! I could watch it over and over again. I loved how Rex Harrison teased her in the movie and how jealous he was over that horrid writer with whom she took up. And when the captain left her, while she waited and waited over the years, and then finally came back for her, oh be still my heart! So good!
2. "The Bishop's Wife" -- a great holiday story for this time of year. Cary Grant is always fun to watch, and he's the perfect nemesis as a meddling angel to David Niven's bishop. I loved everything about it, and I like it better than "It's A Wonderful Life" as my Christmas pick.
3. "Little Women" -- the most recent version starring Winona Rider. Jo is my favorite, and the kitchen in that movie that was part of Orchard House was the original house of one branch of my family who settled in New England in the 1600's. I found that out doing genealogy research. :-)
4. "Pride and Prejudice" -- the BBC version with Colin Firth. The costumes, the scenery, the actors... everything about this movie was delightful. It's my favorite version of all. I'm such an Anglophile. Love English furniture, country houses, chintz, eccentricity. :-)
5. "Out of Africa" -- for the same reasons listed above, I loved this, but it also had that soul-searing musical score. And the bittersweet love story featuring two of my favorite actors helped!
6. "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House -- In a word, Myrna Loy. She is a riot in this movie, and I just loved it. Very cute comedy and very true. I do what she did with color in that one scene in the foyer. Just ask the paint store. LOL! The movie was very engaging. Myrna Loy was super in the Thin Man movies, too. And I want Asta (sp).
7. Doris Day is delightful in all of her movies... you pick! I love them all.
8. I love Johnny Depp, too. And I loved Cher in "Moonstruck." She was brilliant. I love Meg Ryan movies, and "French Kiss" is a favorite along with "IQ." But who couldn't love "You've Got Mail" and its fabulous NYC scenes! And that bookstore! Be still my heart!
That's more than you bargained for, Pat. LOL!
Here's hoping that baby arrives today!
I didn't get to see the tree lighting! Wish I had though...
Hope it won't be long for you....and I'm sure your daughter in law feels the same way!
Pat, I never get tired of watching Moonstruck. I love the scenes of the family around the table arguing and loving one another. Life is Beautiful is a wonderful film. I need to watch it again. Amelie was delightful too. I've never seen The In-Laws. I need to give it a try.
I'm checking your blog before work to see if you had any overnight news. Don't worry about his timing. I was almost 2 weeks late with my first. None of my children were on time. He arrive when he is ready.
Hi baby yet, huh? No I didn't get to see the tree lighting ceremony last wonderful for the couple who got another house built out of last year's tree. Well, I have a few fave movies in no particular order:
1. Fried Green Tomatoes
2. Driving Miss Daisy
3. The Man In The Iron Mask
4. Sommersby
5. The Remains Of The Day
6. 84 Charing Cross Road
7. The Odyssey
Fingers crossed Baby arrives soon!
;-) Bo
Hi Pat!
WOW! To see the tree in Rockefeller Center, how awesome!
Hasn't that baby decided to make it's debut yet? I know you can hardly wait!!
The Ghost & Mrs Muir is one of my all time favorites, Gene Tierney was the most beautiful actress EVER as far as I'm concerned.
Happy holidays Pat!
Hugs, Sherry
I watched the lighting! I never miss it! We actually went to NY last year around this time and enjoyed all the beautiful decorations. The windows in the stores are so fantastic, you are so lucky to live there and be a part of that holiday spirit!!!
Hi Pat, I did miss the tree lighting on TV. DERN IT! I usually do watch. Wonderful movie choices! I love "Life is Beautiful" as well. An amazing movie.
Where's that baby boy? Is she doing well with the waiting game? Good luck to her.
My seven favs are...
Hmm...I have to really narrow this down. We are huge movie lovers of all different types.
"Silence of the Lambs", "Waitress", "Lars and the Real Girl", "Bad Santa", "Christmas Vacation", "Braveheart" and "Under the Tuscan Sun".
Have a wonderful weekend. ~Melissa :)
Still waiting??!! I got here here all excited, waiting for the page to load and hoping to find baby news...LOL! But such fun to see the big NYC tree while we wait with you! :o) Congrats on your award..and fun to see your film list! My own 7 film faves are:
1. BBC Pride & Prejudice (1996--Colin Firth, of course!!)
2. Love Actually (my fave holiday film!)
3. Howards End
4. BBC Jane Eyre (2006--Toby Stephen, of course!)
5. Amelie
6. Little Women (1994)
7. The Awful Truth (1937--Irene Dunne & Cary Grant--such fun!)
Hope your next post will have baby news...Happy weekend while you wait...((BIG HUGS))
Hi Pat :)
I was in NY one year right after they lit the tree. It's incredibly bigger than most people imagine or at least it was to me :)
My list of favorite movies is on my sidebar, but my favorite is Gone With the Wind (surprise, surprise LOL)
I hope your grandbaby gets here soon ;)
hello! thanx for visit my blog, i m glad u like my polas!
Now I know the history of Xstmas Rockfeller tree!
ciao Luis
Trish is so smart!
Nope, didn't watch it, but it's wonderful to know that it is finally up.
Have seen all the movies you name except "Cinema Paradiso." Wonder what my chances of seeing that might be. Ha! I adore "Amelie."
Hang in there, Nonna!
Greetings to my very favorite grandma-in-waiting. Waiting is difficult, but the prize is a lifetime of joy.
My favorite movies are: Out Of Africa, The American President, Easter Parade, Dirty Dancing, Pretty Woman, The Thorn Birds and Just Like Heaven.
Thanks everyone, for telling me what your favoirite movies are! I'm writing down all the ones I haven't seen so I can look for them on the movie channel on TV.
I'm not sure why my blog title did not publish last night -- or why my spell check corrections (I am a bad typist) did not change, but I just fixed that.
Still waiting -- my DIL had a pre-natal check up yesterday and they told her she would be induced by Dec 14 if she doesn't have the baby naturally, so she's hoping it happens soon too! Her Mom flew out to be with her, which is wonderful, and I feel like I can relax a little now that she has company during the day while my son is at work.
Hi Pat (twice on one post!), Thank you for the baby update---you are such a sweet MIL worrying about your DIL!
I loved seeing the variety of movies folks enjoy--I need to make note, too, and expand my movie horizons!
Have a merry weekend! Dana
I popped in to see if there was news about your grandbaby but even thou' no news, you gifted us with this awesome sight! How I love the tree in Rockefeller Plaza! Some day I WILL be there to see it in person. That is one of my dreams. *sigh*
I loved reading your list of favorite films. I adore each one you mentioned. Isn't the IN Laws a hoot? I remember when Bill and I saw it in the theater the first good.
Life Is beautiful should be required viewing by everyone...especilly those who always look at the bad side of things, the down side always. It is such a moving story of the strength of the human spirit.
Such a great post!
Hi {Pat
I told my son to buzz out of school for the tee lighting but he said he was just tooo busy during finals week! Ah, well! Loved the movie Life is Beautiful too--your meme was great!
PS--wheer IS that grandboy??
Our youngest grandson arrived on Christmas Eve! What a special gift. Can't wait to see pictures of yours.
Hi Pat...first time on your blog...found you through our dear Laura at the must be so excited waiting to see that new grandbaby for the first time...I hope it's any time now..Thanks for posting the picture of the Rockefeller tree...I'm looking forward to seeing it in person in the next few weeks...There's nothing like celebrating Christmas in's just magical!!
Hi Pat! Thank you so much for stopping by my page!!! I would love to see some of your favorite cookie recipes posted when you get your baking done. I had so much fun reading down your home page. First, as I read I was thinking how much I too enjoy Life is Beautiful, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and Amelie. Then when I saw the can sculpture I knew we were kindred spirits. I work at the Atlanta Community Foodbank, a food warehouse for the North Georgia area. Last month we processed thousands of cans of broth that were part of the CANstruction project that Georgia Tech students participate in. Given the economy and the many needs it is so wonderful that all the canned goods get donated to local food banks when the project is complete.
Last year I was lucky enough to be in NY for the Christmas tree festivities. What a wonderful thing if everyone could spent a little time in NY at Christmastime. St. Patrick's was one of the most beautiful sites at night. The window displays, light shows, hustle & was Christmas.
Prayers to you and your family as you await your grandson. Again, thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment.
OMG!!!! You have Pan's Labyrith's Lullaby on your playlist. That is one of my most favorite films!!!!
Hi Pat, I always love to see the tree in Rockefeller Center. Of course only on TV. I love that the wood is recycled through Habitat for Humanity. Such a worthy cause.
Just a note, I was one to three weeks late with all five of my babies. lol. It was so hard to wait. I am feeling for you.
I also like the movies you listed. Congrats on your award I will be happy to have accept your offer.
Thank you for your sweet comment on the Biltmore. Is is amazing.
You ornaments were mailed so be looking for them.
Hi, Pat~
I had no idea that the lumber from the tree was donated to Habitat for Humanity. That is fantastic!
I think we could hang out and watch movies together. I am a fan of all the movies on your list.
I hope you have good news soon and your grandchild decides to make an appearance!
That is a wonderful new tree tradition Pat, I like your movie list, nothing better than to curl up in front of the fire and watch a great movie, it's been quite cold here this past week!. Congratulations on your award. hugs, Kathy
Just read your update on the little lad's expected arrival, I am still hoping it is today Pat. xoxo
Wonderful post, Pat! I love hearing the tree is used to provide homes for Habitat for Humanity.
I see your favorite films have an Italian twist!
Some of my favorites too.
Loved the seasonal lion banner -I think these guys are outside the 42ns St library?
Isn't it fun in NY at Christmas?
That' a very impressive tree Pat..must look so gorgeous all lit up!
Love your movie choices..a couple I haven't seen..I did love Moonstruck and Amelie is a favourite!! :D
The tree lighting surely was amazing- thinking of you and your family!
kari & kijsa
Just watching an old Miracle on 34th St. and thought of you--hope you're enjoying your weekend. Dana
Yes, isn't Mrs. Muir's house the most wonderful place in the world?? Fictional or not?? When I was little I used to think about how I would decorate each of those rooms in her house. Especially that bedroom with the step up to the balcony overlooking the sea! I think I might have left the monkey puzzle tree, however. I love those!
Congrats on your award...*still* waiting?! Gah!
Great choice of movies!
How exciting to be waiting for a grandson!! He's taking a little extra nap time.
Looking forward to your announcement post:)
Cheers, Shelagh
Oh Pat! Thanks so much for putting that link up:)) I hope that together we can make a bit of difference this December:)))
Hi Everyone--
I had to upgrade my Picasa web albums storage today, and I can't post any photos for 24 hours, so I'll blog again on Monday evening.
We are all still waiting for my grandson to make his appearance :-)
Please keep my daughter-in-law and son in your thoughts and prayers! Thanks!
Hugs, Pat
Hi Pat,
I missed the show the other night. I would love to see the tree in person. Someday......
I love the Christmas tree! I watched the show on TV.
~ Gabriela ~
Thansk everyone for all your wonderful comments!
Merry Christmas to all!
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