Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quick Update

I have had to upgrade my Picasa web album storage as I've used all the allotted free storage. Google told me it takes 24 hours to take effect. So I can't download photos until then -- sorry for the blogging delay!

We are still waiting for my grandson to choose his birthday -- thanks for all your nice comments and emotional support. Please keep sending good thoughts and prayers for his safe delivery -- Thanks!


nanatrish said...

I kept reading and thinking you were going to say little cutie pie had arrived. I pray he decides to come on out soon. I know I was past due and every day seems like a year. I pray you are doing well and I can't wait to hear about the arrival.

Vee said...

Yup, I thought I'd missed something! :D

Now this upgrading sounds interesting. Expensive?

Willow said...

I will keep checking in with you to see what birthday your grandson chooses! Saying a little prayer for his healthy and safe delivery.

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE your header! PERFECT for this time of year!

by Danie said...

I haven't been on blogland much lately, but this morning I went straight here to see if HE was there. Of course I pray for a safe delivery, maybe it is now on!!! and a beautiful baby, so exiting, will come back often to know how things are going.

Anonymous said...

Hugs, Pat, ok so he's missed St Nick's day. What's the next major saint day coming up?

I think they don't like babies to be more than 2 weeks overdue in the UK. Laura my 1st was 15 days late but the midwives were fine about it as we were both fine.

Ok let's think positive- he's GOT to come out this year. Hugs Pat. It is easier on the mother to go into labour naturally than be induced. I'm praying for a quick safe delivery too.

Bo said...

Good morning Pat...Fingers crossed the little fellow will debut soon! Maybe he's waiting until the Picasa is updated because he knows you'll need all the extra space just for his pictures...LOL
;-) Bo

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Good Morning, Sweet Pat!

I'm sorry about the picture storage problem. We've missed you, and I had hoped you might have heard something on the new addition... but we wait with you! :-)

Annie got into some serious mischief and nearly got me in trouble. Truth! But it wasn't our fault. We happened to be there at the wrong time. ;-)



Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this baby! You better post a photo asap..promise? ;)

Just A Girl said...

He's still not here? He must be enjoying the warmth of his mommie and the sound of her heart so near.
Still praying!
xo Cori

Kathy said...

Hi Pat, Won't be long now and whatever day the little one chooses will be a very special day and Bo's right you will need a lot more storage from Picasa! hehe, my blog roll is not updating so I will keep checking, cannot wait to meet the little guy. hugs, Kathy

Jojo said...

Thinking of you and your dear sweet grandson. What an early Christmas blessing! God bless.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I was getting excited when I didn't see you Friday...I thought the little guy made his way out into the world. He's probably all warm and cozy where he is...I don't blame him for "staying inside" a little longer, LOL!

Waiting on the edge of my seat...

steviewren said...

It shouldn't be long now! I'm remembering you all in my prayers too. I can't wait to hear all about him.

Catherine said...

I`ve been checking your blog almost daily on baby watch. It can`t be too long now. Still in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Being a TypePad user, I don't know what you just said :), but I am sure it will be worth the wait.

The Little Yankee has his own idea about his entrance into this world! Dana

Donna said...

Hi Pat,
Sorry for your computer problems.

Praying for a safe delivery, and a healthy little one.


Rhonda Hartis Smith said...

I'll be watching closely for his arrival! Very exciting!!!!!!

Proud Italian Cook said...

I keep thinking about you and your new Grandbaby, eagerly awaiting your exciting news!!!!